Well, with megaupload’s recent demise, it’s no shock that the blog world is currently reeling. My condolences to those whose hard work was flushed down the drain in one fell swoop. Not sure if mediafire, my preferred hosting of choice, will be targeted in the near future, but with this in mind, I’d say now’s a good time to catch up on the archives of this blog and others, while the getting’s good! Also, lemme know if any of the zshare archives are outdated, and I’ll reupload as I can. I’d like to keep a tight ship here for as long as possible.
That said, I’m sure you’ve all noticed that there’s been some overlap posts here as of late. While I’m still dead set on unearthing long lost gems, the wantlist dwindles by the day. With that in mind, I’ve been acquiring copies of some all time favorites for the DJ bag and re-ripping them at solid bitrates and de-popping them as best as I can before playing them out. I’ve also passed a few clean rips over to A Viable Commercial (1, 2, and 3) and more shall be appearing throughout the blogosphere. I’ve also been revisiting some of my own posts from the past, the most recent being the first Sanity Plexus 12”, which I’ve cleaned up to the best of my ability (it’s still a rather poor pressing, so there’s only so much one can do). I’ll update at the end of new posts with any archival developments in lieu of making a new post. Don’t get me wrong, new and unheard material will still appear here as I get my hands on it, but I hope you guys enjoy the higher fidelity posts as well.
Ok, so all that aside, here’s another record that’s been shared before, though it appears to be offline at the moment. Here we have an elusive comp from 1983, featuring artists the Philadelphia area. Fantod’s original post hints at a poor quality pressing of this record, and while I had in my hands what appeared to be a near-mint copy, the same flaws existed. There’s a long-standing crackle throughout the entire record, very difficult to remove through standard means. I tried noise removal as per usual, but I was left with little audio to work with on the second track, even at lower settings, so I kept an even hand and did my best. I did go through and attempt a click-by-click removal, but I was only able to remove the major and isolated offenses before losing my mind completely. Also, it seems like some of the tracks were poorly recorded to begin with, most noticeable on the Sensory Fix track, which sounds foggy right off the needle.

Despite these flaws, this record is still surprisingly rare and worth checking out, as it features early and exclusive contributions from some of Philly’s finest. Pretty Poison appears here, in their earlier and more abrasive incarnation, and offer one of the best tracks on the comp. There’s also a transitional Book of Love track about dye, recorded soon after their stint as Head Cheese. It’s a curious track, nowhere near the synthpop smash of their debut LP, but more in line with the no wave-influenced Jungle Jam tracks. Another standout is Bunnydrums, the psychedelic post-punk band that’s been covered many times in the past, and who I believe are still active to date. While “Sleeping” also appeared on the PKD LP (same version for both releases), it’s one of their finest tracks. We also have a cut from Executive Slacks, who I presume need no introduction.
As with any compilation, there are a few tracks that aren’t too interesting to me, but your mileage may vary. For me, the real diamond on this comp. is the smoldering Girls Downstairs cut, an unsuspectingly nightmarish track with female vocals and steady percussion. Sadly, it appears to be the only thing they ever recorded. Story of my life.
I feel like I had more to say about this one, but since this is likely my longest post to date (tl;dr), I’ll end it here and offer up the tunes for anyone still with me. Here’s the info for this comp:

Various Artists- I’d Rather Be In Philadelphia LP
1. Bunnydrums- Sleeping
2. Pretty Poison- Secrets
3. Sensory Fix- Last Match
4. Impossible Years- Flower Girl
5. Mother May I- When Children Play
6. Book of Love- Henna
7. Red Buckets- Something Else Again
8. Stickmen- Duraflame Dog
9. Girls Downstairs- Steam Rises Off the Jungle Floor
10. Executive Slacks- Sexual Witchcraft
*download it here* (re-ripped 3.17.17)