This pair of 12”s should be pretty familiar for most folks, but thought they were long overdue for a re-rip and a cleanup from my copies. For those unfamiliar on all levels, here’s the full recorded solo discography of , Christiane Vera Felscherinow, aka Christiana, aka Christiane X., aka Christiane F., most famous for her autobiography Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (and the subsequent movie that shares her name and features a Berlin-era soundtrack by David Bowie), which captures her troubled teenage years.
For our intents and purposes, she also recorded two 12”s of NDW-flavored synth music and was a member of Sentimentale Jugend, an experimental project shared with then boyfriend Alexander Von Borsig/Hacke, who would soon join Einstürzende Neubauten, where he is still active to date. The first 12” (released under Christiana), features Hacke, Los Microwaves member David Javelosa, and Neubauten heavy-hitter F.M. Einheit as part of the recording entourage. The main track “Suechtig” is Felscherinow’s main bread and butter, appearing across both singles in various forms (a dub mix on Final Church, and an extended/single mix, re-recorded and retitled “Wunderbar,” featuring additional members of Los Microwaves on Gesundheit!).
There are two exclusive tracks, one on each single, and both are of interest as an industrial highlight and a sleazy synth shuffle, respectively. Meanwhile, the main track(s) are excellent, both worthy of inclusion in any experimental synth or NDW collection. It’s really a matter of preference as to which version is best, and I tend to teeter back and forth between the two.

Christiana- Final Church 12”
1. Suechtig
2. Spinnen
3. Health Dub

Christiane F.- Gesundheit! 12”
1. Wunderbar
2. Heimweh (Homesick)
3. Wunderbar
*download both here*