Archive for the silent sound Category

Various Artists- Unexpected Silenzio 12”

Posted in 12'', 1980s, 1986, ambient, canadian, compilations, dark ambient, moonlight society, odds, post-punk, silent sound on August 8, 2016 by Frankie Teardrop

I picked up this particular 12” on a more recent carpet bombing of a NYC shop, and I’ve been meaning to share it for some time. Released in Canada on Bad Zoo Records in 1986, this collection features three vastly different bands and two styles that don’t seem to go together on paper, but make for a very enjoyable compilation EP.

I’m particularly wild about the first track, “People Walk on By” from Moonlight Society, a band who dominates the a-side with their Chameleons-inspired post-punk. Lots of guitar interplay with some chirpy synths for good measure across both tracks. I really wish they had more songs out there, because I’m a sucker for this kind of sound, through and through. Meanwhile, the flip features two dark ambient tracks by two separate bands, both of which are sprawling in comparison to the a-side’s immediacy. Both are excellent, however, and like the flip, neither band was heard from again, though Silent Sound features a synth credit from David Kristian, who joined Psyche a few years later…

All in all, an excellent, if unknown little compilation that’s still rather cheap to pick up (for the time being, ha ha!). Hope you enjoy!

Various Artists- Unexpected Silenzio 12”
1. Moonlight Society- People Walk On By
2. Moonlight Society- I’ll Live
3. Silent Sound- Skin of Sorrow, Soul Without End
4. Odds- Hyaloide Hypercycle

*download it here*