Archive for the post-punk Category

The Chrome- The Same Journey 7”

Posted in 1980s, Belgian, post-punk, the chrome on March 30, 2015 by Frankie Teardrop

Hey kids. Still alive and kicking here, and I’ve been gathering up some cool things to share over the next handful of posts. First up is an excellent post-punk 7” from The Chrome, a Belgian band. This is the first of two releases by this four piece outfit, the second being a split 12” with De Hufters. This particular 7” was released in 1982 while the split followed a year later.

After The Chrome split sometime in the mid-80s, it seems that only one member continued on making music (that we know of!). Frank Ermgodts would go on to form The Popgun with Patrick Nicasy. Most notably for SOR readers, Frank would also sing backup vocals on Poésie Noire’s Love Is Colder Than Death LP from 1989.

Otherwise, this particular 7” is more of the same great post-punk sounds we all know and love, with a little stab of new wave sensibilities for good measure. The band reminds me quite a bit of the early Comsat Angels material, if that helps place it on the spectrum a bit. The A-side is a bit darker and edgier, while the flip side has a bit of the ol’ angular jerk to it. Either way, an excellent, if but criminally obscure slice in the post-punk cannon, hope you all enjoy!

The Chrome- The Same Journey 7”
1. The Same Journey
2. Your Eyes

*download it here*

Mélopée- Mélopée & Lyelle K7s

Posted in 1980s, 1990, 1990s, coldwave, france, french, goth, goth-rock, k7, mélopée, post-punk on March 9, 2015 by Frankie Teardrop

Two fantastic, rare, and undersung cassettes up on the slab today from Mélopée (translation- threnody), a coldwave band from France. Very little to be found on the net about this band, as both tapes were self-released in very limited numbers. One of the tapes (Lyellle) dates back to 1990, while the self-titled cassette doesn’t have a year attached to it, but is likely around the same time period, give or take a year in either direction. Outside of a handful of compilation appearances, the band also released a CD in 1995, but I haven’t heard it aside from the track that appears on the excellent Beaucoup, compilation alongside Lucie Cries, Ellysgarden, Résistance, Babel 17, and more, to say the least…

Fans of all the aforementioned bands (as well as the slew of Mémoires D’automne tapes from a few years back) will find lots and lots to love here!


Mélopée- Mélopée
1. Le Vide D’Un Cœur Solitaire
2. A L’Aube De La Vie
3. Les Tempes Blanchies
4. Mémorial
5. Ignaledre


Mélopée- Lyellle
1. Petite Vieilles Fanées
2. L’Arbre
3. Lyellle
4. Vision
5. Niomée
6. Procession
7. Inwradness

*download both tapes here*

Suicide- Celebration 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1985, goth, goth-rock, japan, japanese, post-punk, suicide on January 22, 2015 by Frankie Teardrop

Welcome to 2015! A bit of a slow start here, but I’m slowly ripping a lot of things I’ve acquired over the past few weeks, with plenty of great stuff to go around for a while. So with that in mind, thanks as always for visiting, and I hope to keep your ears happy in 2015.

Despite the fact that the title of this post reads like a twisted self-help book, what we have here is an excellent and uncelebrated post-punk/goth 7” from Japan, released on Captain Records in 1985.  I unearthed this gem at a record fair in Brooklyn, listening to only a few seconds of each track on what looked like a Fischer Price turntable, and immediately it ticked all the right boxes. Chorus-drenched bass, big guitar hooks, and driving, but melancholy melodies across three tracks. This is the last of three 7”s from this band, and from my understanding, this one leans more towards the goth side of the spectrum, while the first two appear to be more straightforward anthemic punk.

This one should definitely appear to fans of Blitz, Christian Death, Lost Loved Ones, and any other driving and/or big-minded goth bands. Here’s the info:

Suicide- Celebration 7”
1. Celebration
2. Last Decide
3. Darkness

*download it here*

The Supreme Court- The Supreme Court 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1985, post-punk, swedish, the supreme court on December 30, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Here’s one that I was turned on to by Goutroy, who brought the 7” over to my place for a listening party. I tracked my own copy down recently, and I’m still as nuts about it as I was that afternoon.

I can’t tell you much about this Swedish post-punk band, but I can say that if you like The Church, The Chameleons, Mighty Lemon Drops, and C86/Flying Nun stuff with a little grit in the mix, you’re going to love this one. It’s the kind of sound I can’t get enough of, so I’m always grateful for more in this vein. This seems to be their only recording, released in 1985 on Alchemy Records. Unfortunately, the sound quality is a little thin, since they crammed four songs here at 45 speed, but the quality of the songs makes up for the fidelity.

Guitarist Claes Westling also played in Swedish Indie band Drug, who had one single in 1991. You can grab that one here.

The Surpreme Court- The Supreme Court 7”
1. Ethical Crime
2. Watching Myself Go Down
3. Solid Ground
4. Between Love

*download it here*

Stimmen Der Stille- Morgenstern LP

Posted in 1980s, 1988, german, goth, goth-rock, post-punk, stimmen der stille on October 22, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Hi all, apologies for the delay but it’s been a bit difficult to make time for a post these days. I hope to rectify that soon. With that in mind, here’s one of my all-time favorite obscure goth/post-punk records, 1988’s Morgenstern by German band Stimmen Der Stille. Someone had requested this in the Asmodi Bizarr post, and that was the only motivation I needed to finally shell out for this one. Thanks for being a bad influence! 😉

There’s only a little information to be found about this band. Their name translates to Voices of Silence (pretty awesome). The official lineup consisted of Daniela Siemon on vocals, Thomas Stelkens on guitar, Martin Gasper on drums and Pamela Alnoch on bass. The band recorded two demos between 1985-6 and released one 12”, Kristallkugel around the same time as this LP. As one might expect, there’s a lot of similarity to Xmal Deutschland and Siouxsie and the Banshees (including a Budgie-esque breakdown on the title track), but the quality of this record is astounding. A few tracks veer into experimental soundscapes before taking hold with killer hooks and powerful vocals, so there’s plenty to love on this LP from front to back!

Stimmen Der Stille- Morgenstern LP
1. Intro (Warten)
2. Kämpfen
3. Fegefeuer
4. Eine Stunde
5. Morgenstern
6. Unterwelt
7. Sahara
8. Not Red
9. Todeslied

Tracks 8 and 9 are ripped as one continuous track!

*download it here*

Inox- Segni Dal Fiume 12”

Posted in 1980s, 1985, inox, italian, new wave, post-punk on August 12, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

I feel like I’ve had this 12” on my hard drive for ages, but for some reason it never really clicked with me until today.  A shame, as it’s an excellent, catchy piece of Italian new wave that’s well worth hearing.   The opening notes of “Waiting For You” immediately set the tone for a great listen, chock full of heavy drum pads, big guitars, sparkling synth arpeggios, female vocal melodies with just the right blend of joy and sadness, and even a little saxophone to drive the wave home.  They almost come across like Italy’s answer to The Passions, Missing Persons, and Berlin, mixing both post-punk and wave influences seamlessly.

The band hailed from Turin, Italy and self-released this 12” in 1985, following it up with a full length LP in 1986 before disappearing into the ether.  I’d love to hear that one if anyone happens to have a copy…  Otherwise, hope you all enjoy this nice little slice of Italian new wave!

Inox- Segni Dal Fiume 12”
1. Waiting For You
2. Chance
3. Shanghai
4. Energia In Bianco
5. Sexy Play
6. Shanghai Reprise

*download it here*

The Limp- Marked Man 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1981, australia, australian, m squared, minimal, pel mel, post-punk, scattered order, the limp on August 4, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Here’s an excellent and incredibly rare post-punk 7” from 1981.  The Limp were from Australia and have ties to Scattered Order and Pel Mel, sharing many of the same members including guitarist Craig Robertson and drummer Dave Weston.  Vocalist/saxophonist Judy McGee was also in Pel Mel, splitting vocal duties with Graeme Dunne.  There’s some personnel differences between both Pel Mel and The Limp, but both bands sound very similar, the result of McGee’s moody vocals and otherwise post-punk aesthetics, though The Limp appear to be a little darker and moodier in contrast to Pel Mel’s angular and energetic take.  Both bands have played a handful of shows in 2012 as the Pel Mel Organisation, performing songs by both bands.

This is the Limp’s second 7”, the first being even more difficult to track down, self-released in a run of 100 copies with no picture sleeve.  “Marked Man” appeared on Primate Records, which also released the first Pel Mel 7” in the same year.  Otherwise, a handful of Limp tracks appeared on various compilations, including the One Stop Shopping K7 and the infamous M Squared studio/label compilation A Selection.  “Pony Club” was re-compiled on the excellent Can’t Stop It! compilation, which spans Australia’s fertile post-punk scene from 1979-1982.  The title track (my favorite on this 7”) also appears on the 5th CD-R tribute to Some Bizarre, which as with the Tribute to Flexi-pop bootlegs, is an excellent gateway to many obscure relics.

The Limp- Marked Man 7”
1. Marked Man
2. Ghost Train
3. Humans Beware

*download it here*

Landscape of Sound- Live Forever 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1983, abecedarians, drowning pool, LA, landscape of sound, los angeles, new wave, post-punk on July 23, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Here’s a rather obscure new wave/post-punk tinged single from the West Coast.  Los Angeles to be exact.  While this is the only known release by Landscape of Sound (released in 1983), the band has direct ties to like-minded post-punk band Drowning Pool, who formed soon after this 7” was released.  Before the band would become Drowning Pool (who put out some rather excellent and delightfully easy to find LPs in the mid-80s), this single served as a respectable point of entry for Brett Smith and Adam Elesh.  The project evolved from a basic partnership to include other Los Angeles area musicians.  According to the Drowning Pool biography, the band came together while hanging out at Pier Records (managed by Chris Maneke of Abecedarians, covered here in the past).  Maneke would also produce several Drowning Pool recordings.

The real gem on this 7” is the b-side, a rickety, but excellent post-punk track with jangly chorus-heavy guitar and those synth strings we all know and love. Definitely a winner if I’ve ever heard one…  The a-side is a little more new wave, reminiscent of the UK synth scene, but with a more organic touch.  There’s still a similar vibe running through it, so it’s not a night and day sort of affair.  Either way, it’s an excellent single that deserves a listen or twenty, so without any further ado…

Landscape of Sound- Live Forever 7”
1. Live Forever
2. On the Edge

*download it here*

Madame Edwarda- Illuminé K7

Posted in 1980s, 1986, goth, goth-rock, japan, japanese, post-punk on June 2, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Happy Monday, folks!  Here’s a generous donation of a very special Japanese cassette, courtesy of Elias, who runs an excellent Facebook page on the Japanese goth movement.  Until now, I hadn’t heard much about Madame Edwarda, just some passing familiarity with the name, but I’m psyched to offer this release from 1986.  Fans of Japanese post-punk/goth bands such as G-Schmitt and D-Day should find lots to love here.

This is one of five releases from Madame Edwarda, a four piece band who, even at first glance, seemed very influenced by The Damned, Bauhaus, etc.  The band formed in 1980 and took their name from a Georges Bataille’s novel of the same name. Their earlier releases are more straightforward goth-rock affairs, while this cassette combines those influences with an experimental, almost neo-classical approach (see also In the Nursery for a suitable reference point).  There are several killer goth tunes here, including “Honey,” “La Nuit,” and “Marionette,” while other tracks are a bit more esoteric, mixing carnival-esque melodies, synth choir patches, and what sounds like cellos from time to time (though may very well be synth patches as well).  All in all, it’s an incredibly interesting listen from front to back.

The cassette box itself is a rather curious affair, with a larger box and book with rather intricate designs inspired by Aubrey Beardsley and Art Nouveau designs, which more or less sets the stage for the aural treats on this tape.

Ps- for anyone looking to hear their other releases, Elias has provided me a few links to share as well… They aren’t his own, nor mine, but if anyone would like to hear more and can’t find them elsewhere, please leave a note and I’ll upload them soon.  That said, you can still get a copy of the Lorelei 12” from the band’s official site.  With that in mind, here’s the information for this excellent cassette, with embedded English translations courtesy of Elias as well!

Madame Edwarda- Illuminé K7
1. 混声合唱 (Mixed Choir)
2. Carnival
3. 夜間飛行 (Night Flight)
4. 夜想曲~ノクターン~ (Nocturne)
5. 幻惑 (Enchanting)
6. 回転木馬~メリーゴーラウンド~ (Carousel~Merry-Go-Round~)
7. 青い悪魔 (Blue Devil)
8. 大観覧車 (Ferris Wheel)
9. サーカス (Circus)
10. 恋歌~ロマンス~ (Love Song~Romance~)
11. Le Château
12. Honey
13. コクトーの剣 (Sword of Cocteau)
14. Marionette
15. La Nuit
16. 夢想 (Reverie)
17. Emeralde

*download it here*

Crux Ansata- I Feel the Atmosphere 12”

Posted in 1980s, 1990, crux ansata, darkwave, endraum, german, goth, goth-rock, neutral project, post-punk on May 22, 2014 by Frankie Teardrop

Happy world goth day, everyone!  Figured I’d chime in and celebrate with an updated version of one of my favorite darkwave/goth classics, the lone 12” from Germany’s Crux Ansata.  You may have seen this one on Dreams and Voices in the past, but here’s a fresh rip I made of the record early last year.  The opening epic, “Remembrances” is one of my favorite cold, gloomy tracks, perfect for this rainy, foggy day in NYC and beyond.

This record was released in 1989, and while it’s their only release, both members were active in other bands.  Both Hovi Miskovics and Roman Rütten continued in Endraum after this 12”, and also released one song as A Foamy Project In Neutral Days, a supergroup of sorts with Neutral Project.  You can find the one track they recorded together on the infamous Supercherie compilation from 1991.

Crux Ansata- I Feel the Atmosphere 12”
1. Remembrance
2. No Time For Lies
3. Imprinted In My Mind
4. This Night of Memories

*download it here*

Stay tuned over the next few weeks for some more dancefloor-ready 12”s, some unheard discoveries, even more new and improved rips of old classics, and one of these days, a new VA comp. coming down the pipeline!