Archive for the 1981 Category

Taxi Girl- Cherchez le Garçon Mini-LP

Posted in 1980s, 1981, french, madonna, new wave, post-punk, taxi girl on April 30, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Today’s upload was graciously donated by Chino and features French new wave act Taxi Girl and their 1980 debut Cherchez le Garçon (which seems to be an early collection of singles named after one of their 12” releases). Taxi Girl formed in 1978 and over the course of 8 years, released one full length record and five mini-LPs. The band developed a bit of a cult following due to their singles ‘S.O.S Mannekin’ and ‘Cherchez le Garçon,’ both of which are included below.

After releasing their lone full length in 1981, keyboardist Laurent Sinclair departed, while remaining members Daniel Darc and Mirwais continued Taxi Girl with a shift in musical style. The revamped lineup lasted three more years before disbanding. Darc, the vocalist, persued a solo career while guitarist Mirwais went on to produce Madonna’s Music and American Life.

Taxi Girl- Cherchez le Garçon Mini-LP
1. Petit Jardin Chinois
2. Cherchez le Garçon
3. V2 Sur Mes Souvenirs
4. Cherchez le Garçon (solitaire)
5. S.O.S. Mannekin
6. Les Yeux des Amants
7. Triste Cocktail

*download it here*

Chino also uploaded Taxi Girl’s 1981 full length Seppuku here, for anyone interested…

If your French is up to snuff, check out the band’s official site for more information, including current whereabouts and projects of Taxi Girl members. There’s even a forum, if you’re feeling saucy.

Taxi Girl official site

Absolute Body Control- S/T cassette

Posted in 1980s, 1981, 2000s, absolute body control, Belgian, minimal, the klinik on April 9, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Ok kids, as promised, here’s another Absolute Body Control release to usher in my week-long hiatus. This one seems to be their first cassette release, a 1981 self-titled effort. Without any further ado, let’s hop right in:

Absolute Body Control- Absolute Body Control cassette
1. Weaving Hands
2. Touch Your Skin
3. Baby’s On Fire (Brian Eno cover)
4. So Obvious
5. Total Control
6. A Broken Dream
7. Do You Feel It Inside
8. Game For A Laugh
9. Shake

*DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED* – this has been reissued on both LP and digital! Seek it out!

In case you missed it, the previous Absolute Body Control post can be found here. Otherwise, stay tuned until next week, and feel free to drop any requests in the meanwhile.

Modern Eon- Fiction Tales PLUS CD

Posted in 1980s, 1981, modern eon, post-punk, uk on March 19, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

This one is a bit of a classic in its genre. Liverpool based post-punk act Modern Eon released but one underground record during their short tenure, and though it didn’t make the splash that their contemporaries (Echo & the Bunnymen, The Chameleons, Modern English) did, the record is held in high regard by those who’ve discovered it, and its lush production mirrors and even outdoes some of the best records of its kind. I also adore the cover, perhaps my all-time favorite of any cover from the era, designed by the always excellent Brothers Quay.

Modern Eon formed in 1979 and released a handful of singles before cutting their lone full length, 1981’s Fiction Tales. The band appeared on John Peel’s radio program, but misfortune soon fell upon them as their drummer, Cliff Hewitt, injured his wrist. The band did a quick tour with Cliff’s tracks pre-programmed on primitive drum machines, but the band failed to record their sophomore effort, a shame, especially as they were rumored to have demoed new material. After Modern Eon’s demise, sax/guitarist Tim Lever would join up with Dead Or Alive, who made the charts with their more new wave-styled sound.

Note that this particular CD contains all of their 7” releases and extra tracks. I do believe it’s a bootleg, but the quality is absolutely impeccable! Thanks to Jeff for the donation!

Modern Eon- Fiction Tales LP
1. Second Still
2. The Grass Still Grows
3. Playwrite
4. Watching The Dancers
5. Real Hymn
6. Waiting For The Cavalry
7. High Noon
8. Child’s Play
9. Choreography
10. Euthenics
11. In A Strange Way
12. Mechanic
13. Second Still (7″ Version)
14. Special Patrol
15. Choreography (7″ Version)
16. The Look A Smack
17. Euthenics (7″ Version)
18. Waiting For The Cavalry (7″ Version)
19. Cardinal Signs
20. Child’s Play (7″ Version)
21. Visionary
22. Mechanic (7″ Version)
23. Splash!

*download link removed* – check out the new 2-disc Cherry Red reissue of this excellent album!

For more info on Modern Eon, including a full bio, pictures, a gig-ography, and more, click below:

Modern Eon homepage

7” grab bag

Posted in 1981, 1982, 1983, 7'', Belgian, france, grab bag, minimal, post-punk, synth, uk on January 14, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

A bit of an experiment to kick off the week, as I’ve uploaded four 7” records in one zip file. A few of these artists have next to nothing in their discography, so don’t necessarily justify they’re own unique post or have much information available, but these are excellent releases all the same. A brief blurb about each:

Après Demain- Arpakuutio 7”
1. Arpakuutio
2. Dans La Nuit

Finnish post-punk band, release from 1983. The band sounds like a female-fronted (Dirk Wears White Sox era) Adam & the Ants or a similar sounding Au Pairs, singing entirely in French. Funky, jerky, and abrasive.

Carol & Snowy Red- Breakdown 7”
1. Breakdown
2. So Low

Early Snowy Red release from 1981, collaborating with a mysterious singer named Carol. Smooth sounding minimal synth from Belgium. Though Snowy Red was a one-man project that ceased in 1989, it seems as if the project reactivated in 2004 as a duo for a few select shows in their home country.

Das Kabinette- The Cabinet 7”
1. The Cabinet
2. Fudge It

Synthpop of the classic variety- a three piece band from the UK whose only release was this Cabinet of Dr. Caligari inspired 7” in 1983, a classic slice of energetic wave music. The flip is a remix of the respective A-side.

Martin Dupont- Your Passion 7”
1. Your Passion
2. Lost And Late

First release by French electronic/coldwave act Martin Dupont, from 1982. The three piece band would release three full lengths and one rare cassette before disbanding towards the end of the eighties. The A-side is an atmospheric female/male fronted jam, whilst the flip is an energetic, bass driven electro-punk song, documenting the band’s split personality.

*download all four releases here*

Naughtiest Girl Was a Monitor- Front 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1981, naughtiest girl was a monitor, synth, uk on December 12, 2007 by Frankie Teardrop

I’m unable to scrape up a ton of information about today’s band, Sheffield wave act Naughtiest Girl Was a Monitor, though this oddball synth single is a real gem. More on the bombastic side, Naughtiest Girl Was a Monitor released but three 7” recordings before calling it quits.

As a bit of trivia, the band would lend equipment to budding brit-pop act Pulp, enabling them to cut their first recordings.

I’ve uploaded the entirety of the band’s 1981 Front 7” for your listening pleasure, which features two full-length wave tunes and closes with an instrumental.

Naughtiest Girl Was a Monitor- Front 7”
1. Front
2. Sensation/No Sensation
3. Synthesizers (the Story So Far)

*download it here*

It seems as if the band’s output has been compiled on to one s/t disc, featuring a series of demo recordings alongside all three of their 7” singles. Seems as if it’s only available on vinyl, through Vinyl On Demand. Snap it up if you dig it!

Pre Fix- Underneathica 7”

Posted in 1981, arizona, post-punk, pre fix, san francisco, subterranean records on November 12, 2007 by Frankie Teardrop

Here’s an incredibly rare treat to kick off your Monday, ladies and gentlemen. I have found scarce tidbits of information about today’s band, Tuscon, AZ’s Pre Fix. The band, whose credits consist of multi-instrumentalists Johnny Glenn and David Herbert, released but one curious and excitingly strange 45” in 1981 on San Fransciso’s Subterranean records.

Credits for the Underneathica single also include production by Tommy Tadlock, more well known for his work with Tuxedomoon. Post-Pre Fix, Johnny Glenn formed The Ballad of Johnny Glenn.

For your listening pleasure, here’s both sides of their lone single:

Pre Fix- Underneathica 7”
1. Underneathica
2. Ectomorphine

*download it here*