Archive for the 1981 Category

Mass- Labour of Love CD

Posted in 1980s, 1981, 4ad, mass, post-punk, rema-rema, uk, wolfgang press on September 9, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Sorry for yet another delay, folks. Things will be sporadic for a little while longer, but I have two uploads today. The first continues the 4AD tradition, featuring Mass’ lone LP, 1981’s Labour of Love.

Mass formed in 1980, in the wake of like-minded outfit Rema-Rema’s demise. 3/4 of the experimental/post-punk outfit continued on as Mass, along with Danny Briottet. One single appeared before the record, which is attached to the end of the CD release uploaded below.

Mass’ sound continued the thick and abrasive path Rema-Rema laid out before…These tracks are moody, dark, and heavy. This trend would continue upon Mass’ quick demise, as after Labour of Love‘s release, members Mick Allen, and Mark Cox formed the Wolfgang Press, who were active throughout the rest of the 1980s and early 1990s. Meanwhile, remaining Mass members Gary Asquith and Danny Briottet went on to form Renegade Soundwave.

Without any further adieu, here’s the information for Labour of Love, complete with the CD release artwork + bonus 7” tracks:

Mass- Labour of Love CD
1. Mass
2. Why
3. Ill
4. Why
5. Isn’t Life Nice
6. Elephant Talk
7. F.A.H.T.C.F.
8. Cross Purposes
9. Innocence
10. You And I
11. Cabbage

*DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED* – Mass discography reissued in 2011 by Desire.

Though the CD copy of this record has been out of print for years…4AD’s webpage does offer a digital copy of the record here, if you’re in the UK or are keen on the current exchange rate. Be sure to nab it if you love it!

Comix- Comix LP

Posted in 1980s, 1981, coldwave, comix, france, french, synth on August 26, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

First of two posts today, been meaning to upload this one for some time. Not much information to be found about French coldwave/synthpop act Comix, and this seems to be their one and only full release.

Records show Comix formed as a duo in 1979, consisting of members André Demay and Natan Hercberg. They released two singles and one full length record before their split, and have since been compiled on the stellar BIPPP: French Synth-Wave 1979/85 compilation.

Here’s the info for the 1981 release:

Comix- Comix LP
1. Walkman Video
2. L’amour C’est Magique
3. Le Jeu de la Vérité
4. Touche Pas Mon Sexe
5. L’été de Mes 14 Ans
6. Top Model
7. Toi et le Petit Prince
8. L’amour C’est Gratuit
9. Pomme D’api

*download it here*

Ceramic Hello- The Absence of a Canary LP

Posted in 1980s, 1981, 2000s, brett wickens, canadian, ceramic hello, minimal, synth on August 18, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Here’s another request for you folks to kickstart the week. On the slab is Canadian minimal wave band Ceramic Hello’s one and only album, released in 1981. Ceramic Hello formed in 1980 and lasted only 2 years before disbanding, and have never played live. The band consisted of Brett Wickens (ex-Spoons) and Roger Humphreys (a more classically focused musician), who previously played one show together as The Jovial Foresters.

Cermaic Hello released one lone 7” single and the record below, which has been reissued in 2006 by Vinyl on Demand. The reissue contains a record of rare demo materials that were once slated for the band’s second record, and also includes a track by The Partnership, a one-off collaboration between Wickens, Martha Ladly and Andy McCluskey of OMD. The project never got off the ground, but this one track appears on the reissue.

Otherwise, after Ceramic Hello’s split, Brett Wickens began working with Jah Wobble and focused heavily on graphic design, now based in California. Meanwhile, Roger released one limited run folk/psych record in 1996, entitled Beyond the Wall of Sleep. These days, rumor has it that Humprheys and Wickens are working together on a second Ceramic Hello record, due for release soon. Exciting news, if so!

As far as the LP is concerned, I haven’t uploaded the extra goodies, and won’t, as though the first run of the double LP reissue is out of print, plans are in the works to print a second edition run, along with a CD containing all the same tracks. So anyone eager to get those, have a bit of patience and keep your eyes peeled over at Vinyl on Demand and support the band proper! Otherwise, here’s the main feature for your previewing pleasure:

Ceramic Hello- The Absence of a Canary LP
1. The Diesquad
2. Ex / Im
3. Climatic Nouveaux
4. Conversation Between Units
5. Geometry
6. Staticarnival
7. Symphony Of Shudders
8. A Grey Man
9. Footsteps In The Fog
10. Ringing In The Sane
11. Trio
12. Gestures
13. Little Tune (Warlike)
14. Dig That Crazy Beat

*DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED* – Reissue now available!

If you’re hip to facebook, there’s a Ceramic Hello group. Click below for both a link to the group and to the band’s homepage:

Ceramic Hello facebook page
Ceramic Hello dot com

Schleimer K- Fugitive Kind 12”

Posted in 1980s, 1981, 1982, experimental, minimal, minimal synth, schleimer k, uk on July 25, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Sorry for the delay folks, haven’t had much time to catch my breath. To make up for the lack of posts this week, I’m tossing up two separate entries throughout the course of today. The first is another request from down under, and it’s for both the s/t Schleimer K record and their very first 12” release.

Schleimer K were a four piece UK based experimental synth band who existed from 1981-1983. During their two year tenure, the more studio oriented band put out three releases and one split 7” with Die Partei. You can nab 1983’s Wounded Wood, their final LP, up on Phoenix Hairpins. Otherwise, here’s the info for their first two releases:

Schleimer K- Schleimer K LP (1981)
1. Cold Sounds
2. Crime
3. Come To Me
4. Short Cuts
5. On The Road Again
6. Wolf
7. The Message
8. Bed Of Roses
9. Women
10. Hang-Ups
11. Nevermore

Schleimer K- Fugitive Kind 12” (1982)
1. Fugitive Kind
2. Third Rate Man
3. She’s Gone
4. Broken Vein

*download it here*

I’ve just reuploaded the 12”, as the S/T (and Wounded Wood) are now available via iTunes. You know what to do, folks!

7” grab bag no. 2

Posted in 1970s, 1977, 1979, 1980s, 1981, 1985, 7'', british, coldwave, french, grab bag, industrial, lars falk, metal urbain, post-punk, spk, synthpunk, twice a man on June 30, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Sorry for the delay here, folks…but to make up for it, here’s another one of those 7” grab bag posts, in which i’ve zipped up four singles for your listening pleasure, including one request from an Australian chum. Here’s the information and a quick blurb about each 7”.

SPK- No More 7” (1979)
1. No More
2. Contact
3. Germanik

This is the very first release by Australian industrial collective SPK, and certainly one of their most primitive and direct. This one was a limited run of 200 copies, and the a-side has yet to appear on a proper CD release, though both ‘Contact’ and ‘Germanik’ are featured on their Auto-Da-Fé LP.

Metal Urbain- Panik 7” (1977)
1. Panik
2. Lady Coca Cola

One of the very first synthpunk bands…French origins. This is their first 7” single, but most of their earlier work has since been collected on the Anarchy In Paris compilation.

Lars Falk- TV Eye 7” (1985)
1. TV Eye
2. Doors

Lars Falk is one of the ex-contributing members of Swedish coldwave act Twice a Man, who’s previously featured here. Though it shares the name with the Stooges classic, the a-side is an original number.

Where’s Lisse?- Talk Takes Too Long 7” (1981)
1. Talk Takes Too Long
2. You Stole My Gun

There’s something charming about this otherwise rickety and rough record from this British four piece. This is one of two releases (they followed this with an equally scarce 12” single), and is chock full of early post-punk energy. EDIT: cover scan provied by Rudeboy Noah! Thanks a ton!

*download all four here*

Moderne- L’Espionne Aimait La Musique LP

Posted in 1980s, 1981, coldwave, french, minimal, new wave on June 23, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Fulfilling a quick request for the second Moderne LP today, so look for a proper writeup on these guys and their first record here. Otherwise, here’s the info for the band’s second LP, 1981’s L’Espionne Aimait La Musique, which featured new vocalist Dominique Marchetti.

Moderne- L’Espionne Aimait La Musique LP
1. Switch On Bach
2. Mercenaire Solitaire
3. Judo-O-Dojo
4. La Romance
5. Qu’Elle Me Caresse
6. Eldorado
7. Video Idéale
8. L’Homme D’Affaires
9. Dilemma
10. Mode

*download link removed*

Minimal Wave, the fantastic NYC-based label known for collecting and reissuing obscure synth and wave gems has just recently released a double LP/CD, which contains both of Moderne’s groundbreaking records! Click here to nab your copy while the getting is good!

Various Artists- Some Bizzare Album LP/CD

Posted in 1980s, 1981, depeche mode, soft cell, some bizzare, the fast set, the the on June 16, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Firstly, thanks to the responses to the debate, and for everyone’s support. I was a bit disappointed not to hear much from the other end of the spectrum, but the topic remains open if anyone has more to say on the subject. Otherwise, I’ve got two requests on my plate. The first is for Blue in Heaven’s second LP, but I’ll need to rip it from my vinyl copy unless I can track down a better digital source than the one I’ve got kicking around my computer. Stay tuned for that over the next day or so.

This second request hails from Australia, and it’s for the Some Bizzare Album, a 1981 compilation from the British independent label of the same name. This comp. announced the label’s launch with twelve tracks of unsigned minimal synth/early new wave artists compiled by label head Stevo Pearce. Of this early crop of artists, few stayed with the budding label, while others prospered under their guidance. As the label progressed, they signed a series of early industrial artists including Cabaret Voltaire, Psychic TV, Einsturzende Neubauten, and Coil.

The collection was originally released in 1981. It was pressed to CD in 1992 with a flipped running order: Side B plays before side A on the CD, which is the running order uploaded below. Though the CD is out of print to date, Some Bizzare will be re-releasing and expanding the collection sometime this year, so be sure to nab a copy when it hits the shelves! Otherwise, here’s the compilation details.

Various Artists- Some Bizzare Album
1. Blancmange- Sad Day
2. Soft Cell- The Girl with the Patent Leather Face
3. New Electrikk- Lust of Berlin
4. Naked Lunch- La Femme
5. The Fast Set- King of the Rumbling Spires
6. The Loved One- Observations
7. Illustration- Tidal Flow
8. Depeche Mode- Photographic
9. The The- (Untitled)
10. B-Movie- Moles
11. Jell- I Dare Say It Will Hurt a Little
12. Blah Blah Blah- Central Park

~Blancmange: Early new wave act, found some chart success on London Records. Split in 1987, but has since reformed and is rumored to be working on new material.
Soft Cell: This synth-pop duo should be old hat to the lot of you by now…The track featured on this compilation was almost deleted, cut in half by a studio mishap.
~Neu Electrikk : Formed in 1978, this more experimental wave outfit has a slim discography (I’ll track it down shortly). Their sax player joined The The for a short period of time.
Naked Lunch: Short lived wave outfit with three 7” singles under their belt. Formed in 1979, split by 1984.
The Fast Set: Very first 4AD act, this track is one of three tracks the band released during their short life. The other two can be found here.
The Loved One: Two man experimental synth project with one 7” and one full length record under their belt. Remastered versions are in the works!
~Illustration: Can’t find a ton of info about these guys…This track seems to be their only release.
~Depeche Mode: Not much I can say about these guys that hasn’t already been said. This track was recorded live in one take, and was the first track the band ever cut before signing to Daniel Miller’s Mute Records. This version’s a particular favorite of mine…
The The: Ever changing critically acclaimed act formed in 1978, and still active to this day. This particular track is a bit darker and more experimental than their successful records to follow.
B-Movie: This band stuck with Some Bizzare and earned some serious chart success in the UK, but split in 1985. Guitarist Paul Statham joined up with Peter Murphy to record Love Hysteria and Deep.
~Jell: Female fronted act, seems to be a studio collaboration consisting of some regular Clock DVA/Cabaret Voltaire contributors. This is their only release.
~Blah Blah Blah: More of a story set to music than an actual tune. Blah Blah Blah released one 7” in 1979 and one full length LP in 1981.

*download it here*

Blue In Heaven- All the God’s Men LP

Posted in 1980s, 1981, blue in heaven, irish, martin hannett, post-punk on June 6, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

Blue In Heaven were a band I covered ages ago, before Systems of Romance became more album-focused. However, as I’ve just nabbed a copy of their debut record off Ebay for a mere buck (a refreshing change from the usual prices most albums I post fetch), I figure it’s appropriate to revisit them for a full length feature.

A quick recap: Blue In Heaven formed in Dublin in 1982, and quickly gained a heavy cult following due to their post-punk edge, recalling the likes of early Bunnymen, the Chameleons, and U2 (who championed the budding band every chance they could). Their first record was produced by Martin Hannett, notorious for his production work with Joy Division/New Order and the rest of the Factory family.

The band’s discography consists ofr a handful of singles, two full length records (1985’s All the God’s Men and 1986’s Explicit Material), and a final EP (if anyone has this, please send it my way). The band split in 1989, and soon after, they reformed with a slight shift in direction as Blue Angels, who released one full-length record in 1993.

Here’s the info and link for Blue In Heaven’s debut:

Blue In Heaven- All the God’s Men LP
1. Sometimes
2. The Big Beat
3. It’s Saturday
4. Old Ned
5. All You Fear
6. Julie Cries
7. Like A Child
8. In Your Eyes
9. Slowly

*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 1/6/16)

No official videos from this era, but click below for some live footage of Blue In Heaven performing ‘Red Dress’ live @ Self Aid. This song, though a regular in their live set, has never appeared on any Blue In Heaven release…

I’m So Hollow- discography REDUX

Posted in 1980, 1980s, 1981, british, post-punk, sheffield scene on May 15, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

For today’s post, I’ve uploaded the entire discography for Sheffield post-punk band I’m So Hollow, which is admittedly not a whole lot. The four piece band formed in 1978 and only lasted three years, splitting up after recording one 7” single and one full length record. The band wet their feet opening up for the likes of Clock DVA, and have since developed a bit of a cult following due to their involvement in the Sheffield music scene, their peers including the Human League and Artery, among others. I’m So Hollow also managed to cut a John Peel session before disbanding. One exclusive song, also included below, has been compiled several times over since the band’s demise and appears on both Hicks From the Sticks and Future Shock– both identical compilations released by two different labels.

I’m So Hollow- Dreams to Fill the Vacuum 7” (1980)
1. Dreams To Fill The Vacuum
2. Distraction

I’m So Hollow- Emotion/Sound/Motion LP (1981)
1. Entrance
2. Which Way..?
3. Unbroken Line
4. Touch
5. Collisions
6. Excitement = Change
7. The Triangular Hour
8. Emotion / Sound / Motion
9. Nosferatu/Distraction

Various Artists: Hicks In the Sticks Compilation (1980)
13. I Don’t Know

*download them here* (LP RE-RERIPPED 6.4.13 —  7” RE-RIPPED 6.24.15)

For your viewing pleasure, here’s a live performance of ‘Touch’ taken from the Made In Sheffield DVD:

Lastly, a request for the peanut gallery: if anyone has a recording of the I’m So Hollow Peel Session, please send it my way! Pretty please with cherries?

Guerre Froide- Untitled 12”/Archives Cassette

Posted in 1980s, 1981, 1985, 2000s, coldwave, french, guerre froide, reunited on May 2, 2008 by Frankie Teardrop

The pseudo-request I’m fulfilling originally came in for French coldwave act Guerre Froide’s first cassette release, Cicatrice, but I am absolutely unable to track it down, so instead, I offer two fine Guerre Froide releases for anyone unfamiliar with the band.

Guerre Froide began in 1980 as a collective of electronic/organic musicians, releasing several underground cassettes and a 12” single. They only lasted three years, with several lineup shifts throughout, but the band resumed activity in 2006, with most of the original lineup intact. They have since issued a full-length record in 2007, entitled Angoisses & Divertissement and are touring to this day.

For your listening pleasure, I’ve zipped both their lone untitled 12” single (released in 1981) and their 1985 post-breakup cassette, Archives. Here’s the individual information for these releases, but please note that the two are uploaded together.

Guerre Froide- Untitled 12”
1. Ersatz
2. Demain Berlin
3. Mauve
4. Peine Perdue

Guerre Froide- Archives Cassette
1. La Chanson D’Ian
2. Eva (Berlin 81)
3. Départ
4. Sans Ultimes Sens Multiples
5. Berlin Demain
6. Remorquage
7. Gloria Victis
8. Brumes
9. Picaro
10. Flashbacks Futurs

*download both here!*

Otherwise, if anyone happens to have the 1980 Cicatrice cassette, feel free to chime in! Otherwise, here are links to the band’s official web-hubs. Can’t seem to find any proper purchasing information for the older material, but my French isn’t quite up to speed these days, I’m afraid.

Official Site
Myspace dot com
Purchase Guerre Froide’s 2007 record here