Again & Again & Again – Dreams Are Never Enough / Forever 7”s

I’m going to attempt a DOUBLE post today, so bear with me, folks. Here we have two obscure 7”s from New Jersey-based post-punk band Again & Again & Again. Just you try and Google that name, I triple dog dare you…

This four piece released these two singles in 1982 and 1983 respectively. The first single has a bit of a power pop vibe for the first track, which may be appealing to some of y’all. I vastly prefer the b-side of this one overall, though your mileage may vary. The second single is my preferred offering from this band, as both tracks have that early, rickety post-punk sound I tend to go wild for in general.

Both singles were released on Public Records, who were based out of Pittsburgh, PA. In general, it’s always great to hear new US-based bands with this style/sound. With that in mind, here’s the download/rundown:

Again & Again & Again- Dreams Are Never Enough 7” (1982)
1. Dreams Are Never Enough
2. Hello Angel

Again & Again & Again- Forever 7” (1983)
1. Forever
2. A Cold Place

*download both here*

2 Responses to “Again & Again & Again – Dreams Are Never Enough / Forever 7”s”

  1. Thank you so much!!

  2. “Hello Angel” sounds great.
    Thanks again, Frankie!

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