The Smoking Mirror- EP 12”

Keep forgetting about this record, which I originally borrowed from Goutroy for a rip and then picked up my own copy shortly thereafter. Thanks to Saul for the request/reminder in my last post!

Here we have an excellent slice of 1988 goth from the UK, right from the era of Red Lorry Yellow Lorry and March Violets. It’s actually a pretty fair blend of the two bands, in simplest form – the churn and energy of early Lorries (by way of pounding drum patterns and guitar textures of “Beating My Head” or “Monkeys on Juice”) vs the dual male/female vocals of the Violets. Either way, this EP features four excellent tracks of UK goth, a welcome addition for any fans of the genre.

The band is a three peace, and as far as wax is concerned, this is their only release. They were likely from Birmingham, as their label, Sonic Death Records, was stationed there.  There apparently is a demo tape floating around in the ether somewhere, though I can’t seem to find any information about it online outside of a mere mention on their discogs entry. It appears as if the band were planning on a US tour in 1989, though not sure if that ever came to pass before the band called it quits. Aside from the regular lyric/iinfo insert, here’s also apparently an extra 16 page insert with more info and color photographs, but my copy did not come with it, so I can’t offer much else for y’all, other than the download.

With that in mind, here’s the rundown:

The Smoking Mirror- EP 12”
1. Siren Girl
2. Dead Man’s Shirt
3. Prostitute
4. Acid Filth

*download it here*

6 Responses to “The Smoking Mirror- EP 12””

  1. Thanks for this little beauty, Frankie. I’ve been a long time reader and downloader of your classic posts and just wanted to say thank you for all you’ve shared with the world.
    I’ve posted 5 huge compilation posts on my blog, of music and bands inspired by your and other blogs I used to/still follow, to see if there was still an appetite for all the lost bands out there. The response and page hits was massive. Do you have any issues if I re-populate and re-up some of your original rips in the future?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    you are doing gods work

  3. Hi there! A bunch of people are currently investigating an obscure song that we believe to be from the 80s. Due to the content of this site, I was curious to find out if you had any information on this song? Currently all we know is that it was apparently recorded from the German radio station NDR2 in either 1984 or 1985. this is the song.

  4. Mark Harrington Says:

    HI there, I’ve just found an lp of theirs in my shelves, but no reference to it anywhere. It’s called the Mind Grinder, and has just Deadmans shirt in common with the EP.

  5. Hi,
    Are they still going please?
    My uncle got them to play at The Wellhead pub, Wendover. He used to be the entertainments manager there.

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