Black September- Rainbow Kiss 12”

Let’s get some guitars into the mix, shall we? Here’s a relatively cheap, but nonetheless obscure single from UK band Black September, who released this one slab of wax in 1986 via Lost Moment Records (Jesus Couldn’t Drum, Skin Side Out, B-Z Party, etc.).

The band were a four piece, led by Ian Hunter. While most folks might recognize the name from Mott the Hoople, though I’m not familiar enough with their catalog to confirm if this is indeed the same Ian Hunter, or someone with the same name. Otherwise, the music sounds suspiciously close to Death Cult, with a slightly more indie/commercial vibe. Other touchstones might include early Gene Loves Jezebel, Zero Le Creche, or Into a Circle – slightly anthemic, guitar-driven tracks with sweeping synths, through and through. I tend to prefer the b-side, but both tracks aim to please.

As of now, the single is a couple of bucks through the usual channels, so if you dig it, it’s well worth picking up!

Black September- Rainbow Kiss 12”
1. Rainbow Kiss
2. David

*download it here*


2 Responses to “Black September- Rainbow Kiss 12””

  1. Greydon Tober Says:

    I’m listening to the “Colours Of The Bastard Art!” compilation while looking through the Lost Moment Records catalog and this pops up. Very nice surprise.

  2. Ivan O'Idea Says:

    Black September were a band from Hull in East Yorkshire active in the mid-1980s. The Ian Hunter in the band is not ‘the’ Ian Humter of Mott fame, he’s much younger. Now works in music promotion somewhere down South I believe.

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