THX- Luv ‘N’ Trust 12”

A few weeks ago, I posted an excellent New Beat 7” from Iconoclass, an obscure, but solid genre classic. You guys wanted some more of that sound, so I’m happy to deliver! Thanks to Andi, fellow DJ and co-author of the excellent Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace book for originally turning me on to this one, which has been an obsession ever since.

THX were a German New Beat/EBM duo consisting of Andy Düx and Peter Schmidt. Düx gets credit here as a member of Jack U Rebels, a techno collective, but I know him best as a member of Voyou, who released one of the best tracks in the genre just a few years prior. This particular 12” was released in 1990 and features three mixes of tracks otherwise available on the band’s full length LP. While the full length is available on CD (and is generally easier to find), the mixes here are exclusive to this 12”. The real winner is the title track, a 7-minute romp chock full of thundering EBM beats, haunting synth melodies, and gritty, almost whispered male vocals with just the right mix of sensuality and distortion (see also: Tricky, though the comparison only extends to the vocal effects). It definitely never fails to get the blood going, and I hope you guys dig it as much as I do!

THX- Luv ‘N’ Trust 12”
1. Luv ‘N’ Trust (Trustworthy Mix)
2. Luv ‘N’ Trust (Devon Mix)
3. Sedation (Call 3-4-8…) (Euthanasia Mix)

*download it here*

6 Responses to “THX- Luv ‘N’ Trust 12””

  1. Hallo Frankie, thanks for this post. You ‘re always the best, as well as the same the blog, wich, lately, I’m visiting more frequently/often and as much pleasure!!!
    They have been looking for some singles or 12″s and albums of Dark Orange, band from Hamburg (Deutshland), maybe even some rarities (live…).
    I’m just an old tape recording (audio cassette) of album “The Garden Of Poseidon” (2nd album, Hyperium, 1993). Wich I find simply fascinating!!!

    I await your answers, and maybe, if possible even a little bit in this blog.

    Greets. WhTs

  2. New to the blog, and this is an excellent pick. Thanks!

  3. Villiam Greko Says:

    I can’t thank you enough for your site, I simply love it! I liste to many genres, including punk 77, rock’n’roll, post-punk, goth, etc. and this is my sanctuary.. very rare stuff, I appreciate your effort, keep it up, please…

  4. A good year to you, great provider of hidden music, thanx for the work you’ve done sofar

  5. Bill Holmes Says:

    Shot in the dark; I hung out with Peter Schmidt in 89/90. Do you have any idea how to contact him today?
    Thanks for checking.
    Bill Holmes
    Phoenix, AZ USA

  6. Howdy! Great recommendation! I found out about this track from KROQHD2 one night. The female voices are Sean Young and Daryl Hannah’s characters from Blade Runner. It’s crazy how I kept racking my brain when I knew where I had heard the voices before!

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