Incee Wincee Spider- Don’t Know Anythin’ 7”

Here’s a razor sharp 7” from the UK, released in 1988.  Was turned on to this one by Michael of Return to the East/The Anxiety of Love. Highly recommended for fans of Lack of Knowledge, Razor Penguins, Play Dead, and other bands who employ the anthemic, yet razor-sharp post-punk/goth sound.  One of my favorite 7” sleeves, for the record.

I know very little about this band, as this is their only release.  There are four names attached to it, but no traces of activity in other bands/projects.  If anyone has any info about these lads, feel free to chime in.

Incee Wincee Spider- Don’t Know Anythin’ 7”
1. Don’t Know Anythin’
2. See My Love Shine

*download it here*

11 Responses to “Incee Wincee Spider- Don’t Know Anythin’ 7””

  1. Frantik Blak Kat Says:


  2. I was the guitarist!

    Just stumbled on your website while researching my next book. I’d wondered if IWS ever made it to the internet beyond seeing the single on ebay occasionally.

    Self-financing the single led to us splitting up shortly after release due to ‘monetary differences’ rather than musical ones. I’ve still got half a box in my loft.

    Steve and I formed Mercenary Tree Freaks (I know, awful name). MTF, were more energetic-indie-pop than post-punk. We put out 5 cassettes and had a shared A-side single released by Spanish label Elefant Records (shared with three other bands! 1991 I think). MTF lasted until 1992, when we both gave up and went off to uni. There’s one MTF song on iTunes I know to and some stuff on YouTube.

    Dave started up Belch Pop Frenzy in 1989, who endured and only recently changed their name to The Disco Tramps. Not sure about any releases but again I think either name will come up in YouTube.

    Phil went off to uni too and became an optician.

    • Frankie Teardrop Says:

      Very cool, Matt! Thanks for dropping a line. I’m glad to have found this single via a friend’s recommendation, so I hope you don’t mind it posted here for more to enjoy. Thanks for the extra info- would love to hear some of the MTF material as well!

      What kind of books do you write?

      • No problem with having the tune up. I think I’ve only got about 15 copies left, but only white sleeves. The pic-sleeves went mouldy. So if any body is interested in owning an actual copy without a pic sleeve?

        I’ve been meaning to get MTF stuff in an electronic format for years, this might kick me into gear. I’ll let you know if /when I do.

        First book was self published travelogue in 2007: Drunk in Charge of a Foreign Language (The Diary of a Spanish Misadventure) Paperback and on Amazon as a kindle download. I’ve sold more copies than I ever did records! But not enough to not have to rejoin the 9-5.

        Last year I decided to take another year off and have another go with ‘The Electric Guitar Daydream Quest’, about my journey from an eight year old (1974) playing ‘Smoke on the Water’ to the demise of MTF in late 1992. If I can meet my own deadline, aiming for publication April/May this year.


        • Matt Faulkner Says:

          Hi Matt, i’d like a copy without a sleeve. Great blog by the way.

          • Hi, sorry only just seen this.

            If you send me £2.80 via paypal I can one post one out to you?

            Use my domain name (link above) without the www but with the dotcom then add at on the end.

    • Hello Matt,
      I’m Klaus of HOLY HOUR RECORDS (com). I love the music of SOR.
      I have a question to SYSTEMS OF ROMANCE: Is it possible to make an LP (Vinyl) with all or the most of the songs from SYSTEMS OF ROMANCE? It will be a limited edition of 150 copies. You’ll got some copies (20 copies).
      Please let me know if you are interesting.
      Best regards

      • Frankie Teardrop Says:

        Hi Klaus,

        Frank here – I run the Systems of Romance blog here. I’m interested in hearing more about your idea! I’d love to help with a Systems of Romance compilation, definitely would be a lot of tracks to consider. Please drop me a line at and we can talk more asap!

  3. Matt Faulkner Says:

    Many thanks for the reply Matt. Paypal done.

  4. Just want to say, yes, I agree, one of the best picture sleeves ever! I look forward to listening to this! Love yr blog, easily one of the top five!

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