Silently Down- SAD CD

Great hybrid of synthpop and coldwave sounds here on this CD from 1992, very much influenced by the Lively Art bands as well as Depeche Mode.   Not much out there about this one man band, as this disc was released without a label.  There’s a Myspace page out there, which pegs the project as hailing from both France and Switzerland, but I’m not sure of the whole story there.  Likely a French-born Swiss transplant, if I had to make a guess.

This is pretty much the entire recorded output of Silently Down.  Another track, “Tired to Life,” appears on the fourth volume of L’Appel De La Muse, but I’ve included it here for you all as well.   There’s also a track recorded with Ursula Nun of The Vyllies on Myspace, but since that site still throttles its quality, you’ll have to listen over there.

Track 2 is my favorite here, but they all tread very similar turf throughout.  Enjoy!

Silently Down- SAD CD
1. Days Go By
2. Reflection
3. Alone
4. La-Haut
5. Strange Times
6. Welcome To A Suicide Day

Bonus Track- ‘Tired To Life’

*download link removed* – Reissue now available via Dead Wax Records!

7 Responses to “Silently Down- SAD CD”

  1. Mike Brandon Says:

    Nice one.


  2. R. Maccaud Says:


    I’am the front man from Silenty Down…and i am coming from Switzerland !!


    • Frankie Teardrop Says:

      Great to hear from you, R! Thanks for clearing that up, and of course, for the great tunes!

  3. Loverkraft Says:

    Hi, there are more songs from this band. I have a home recorded CD, “Untitled EP”, that I bought at eBay, with 5 tracks, including “Tired (to live)” mentioned above.

  4. interpol 1961 Says:

    I’ve bought an older release of australians finest IKON from a swiss guy. got the ep of silently down as a gift by him. i like at very much. very nice music.

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