Mecanica Popular- ¿Que Sucede Con El Tiempo? LP

Still continuing to drop the posts I had lined up while figuring out what, if anything, to do about the past. Looks like Rapidshare is the way to go for now, but who knows how long they’ll be off-the-radar, as they’ve apparently slowed DL rates to discourage illegal content. Too much in flux to really pin down a proper solution.

That said, here’s a gift from Bx-59cppw that I’ve been meaning to post for some time. Here we have the debut album from Mecanica Popular, a Spanish industrial/experimental duo. Originally released in 1994, this LP also saw a repressing in 1990, while their second LP was originally released in 1987 and appeared again in 2010.

A must hear for fans of Factrix, Dome, Throbbing Gristle, The Elephant Table LP, and other things that go bump and scrape in the night. There’s some nice grooves here and there that should also be right at home for fans of minimal synth and kosmiche music.

Mecanica Popular- ¿Que Sucede Con El Tiempo? LP
1. Impresionistas I
2. La Edad del Bronce
3. Impresionistas II
4. Quiero Irme
5. Siempre Tu
6. Impresionistas III
7. Estado Sólido
8. Galilea: Centro de Datos
9. Daguerrotipo
10. Ambrotipo
11. Plenilunio
12. Máquinas y Procedimientos
13. Impresionistas IV

*download it here*

For those fluent in Spanish, you can read more about the band here.

6 Responses to “Mecanica Popular- ¿Que Sucede Con El Tiempo? LP”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    What about dropbox?

  2. working the pipline Says:

    this is mostly to Frankie Teardrop, since you read these before they are shown, sorry about that last comment about mediafire, I hadn't heard about the mediafire wipe… I have an account on mediafire and none of my stuff was wiped, also I got to a website that uses it a lot so I would have thought I would have heard about it there too… Anyhow, good luck on finding a safer service

  3. MIke Brandon Says:

    just glad to see some activity here.

    love coming to this blog.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Mediafire responded to the MU takedown with a press release announcing that their service is "completely legal," and removed their download speed caps.

    Back in the Bad Old Days of the Blog Wars, we used to upload text files with the "real" download links to one service, and upload the content files to another.

    Some also used to randomly name and password both rar files, using the option to encrypt file names (should be default but ain't). That's not "secure" because anyone could follow the trail, but a speed bump was all it took – and this method does knock down all automated attack methods.

    DMCA takedown notices come from two sources: Vandals working on their own (which is illegal in the U.S.), and 3rd party services hired to hunt down violations. Both seem happy to knock down only the easiest targets; neither has the integrity to invest the time/effort to "do it right."

    Eventually we will have to start using darknets, but that is probably a couple of years away.


  5. Thanks a lot…

    Hi, I really appreciate your post, it was really informative. I’ll be looking forward to coming again….

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you!

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