Coldwave grab bag: Red Rain Coat & Jus Dorange

I think the internet police have spoken and it’s time to call it a day here at Systems of Romance. I’ve been pretty zen about the whole thing thus far, as it’s been five years and over 500 posts- certainly nothing to balk at. However, I do have a few more posts I’d like to share with you all before wrapping up here. Please pardon the sudden change in file sharing sites. Hopefully these links last long enough for everyone to enjoy them!

Here we have two incredibly rare 7”s for the price of one (hah). Both of these records have been in my wantlist for ages, and it’s taken me some time to track them both down properly. Patience has never been my strongest suit, but it certainly paid off here, as both of these 7”s were worth the thrill of the hunt and have quickly become two of my most cherished records in my entire collection.

Some of you may recall the Jus Dorange a-side from an early VA compilation. Many thanks to Sean McBride, AKA Martial Canterel, for cluing me into that track a few years ago via Youtube, as it’s haunted my dreams ever since. As expected, the flip is just as stellar, sitting nicely alongside Lè Travo, The Names, Aimless Device, & Siglo XX at the top of the Belgian coldwave crop. Two perfectly vicious tracks that demand repeat listening. It’s worthwhile to note that Dries Decocker was also active in The Misz, who released several cassette tapes and have been compiled on the excellent Underground Belgian Wave Vol. 2 compilation on Walhalla Records.

The second single is a more recent, but no less rare obsession. Red Rain Coat were from Switzerland, and while they were more well known for their early 90s foray into more guitar-pop turf, their first 7” is another cold masterpiece of its era. Their story parallels Eskimos & Egypt, whose debut 7”, while having little in common with their other releases, is a bona-fide classic.

Jus Dorange- At Night 7” (1983)
1. At Night
2. Watching

*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 6.5.13)

Red Rain Coat- In Between the Fronts 7” (1987)
1. Small Town
2. Distinguished Ball

*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 6.5.13)

I have at least two more posts in the works, so please do check back over the next week or two for the grand finale!

24 Responses to “Coldwave grab bag: Red Rain Coat & Jus Dorange”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    will miss this- thanks

  2. MIke Brandon Says:

    thank you!!!!!

    hope this isn't the last.

    I'm so hooked on your posts. always.

  3. Thank you so much for this blog over the years. The music here means more to me than anyone can imagine.

  4. I am so interested in your writing and the post is so beautiful. I like it very much. Thank you for sharing it.And our fashionable and cheap Abercrombie UK clothes are good choice for you, too.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Any chance you'll leave the blog up, even if the links to the files are down. The info on all the bands and the artwork are just as important as the files. Thanks for all the work! We'll miss this a lot.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks Frank.It's been surreal.Good day sir.

  7. frankie teardrop Says:

    6:01- regardless of what happens to the files, the text will definitely remain up as an archive/encyclopedia of sorts!



  9. Thanks a lot for your great work! I enjoyed it immensely during the last past years. I found your blog while searching for "XEX" on the internet, which isn't as trivial as it sounds like. This XEX-files still make me happy. Thanks!

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Bro! Since I was very young music has been very important to me – and all too often, my only friend. I don't want to overstate or trivialize what you have done for me personally, but it's substantial. I managed to miss a lot of the music you have specialized in here. Your little hobby (well not so little) has done wonderful things for me and, I am sure, at least a few hundred others.

    The Internet Wars are far from over. We already have the technology to defeat dragnets, trolls, deep packet inspection and worse. It's only a question of numbers – how many people bother to install the tools – and that will fix itself shortly.

    So, we do not say goodbye, only farewell and happy landings until we meet again.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    I too have loved your blog over the last couple of years. It has introduced me to several bands I would otherwise not have heard of.
    Thanks again – I shall miss your blog.


  12. Anonymous Says:

    a friend fro patagonia will miss you a lot, hope there's a way you can keep on going.something wwill be issing in my week.such important music….thanks,man

  13. Greg in Florida Says:

    Frank, I can understand how frustrating it must be to have to keep reloading five years of material. I'm new to file sharing , and I've noticed a lot of my sources have dried up. But instead of closing down you might want to go on hiatus for a while. There's no rush to close the site, and we'll still be here. At some point the answer will be clear.

  14. frankie teardrop Says:

    That makes a lot of sense, Greg. Things seem to be rapidly changing, so probably best to wait it out and see what happens when the dust settles. For now, the text is alive and well, so folks should be able to use it more as a reference material.

    Still have a few things leftover that I'll be dribbling out over the next week or two.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    Don't give up!
    Where will we get this essential life line? (esp. for the ones among us in far remote and out of music areas!!)
    Thank you for all the work and the awesome music

  16. Dries Dekocker Says:

    I’m glad you found it!!!! 🙂

  17. Anonymous Says:

    I will miss this. I find it hard to believe anyone actually bothers themselves over the sharing of releases this obscure; in a matter of 20 or 30 years, these albums may only exist digitally. Threatening their distribution now could very well be risking losing them to the ages forever. I hope everything works out.

    -Anon in Tallahassee, Florida

  18. […] swapping string synth/drum duties for each track. Fans of bands like Peyr, Killing Joke, and the Red Rain Coat 7” will dig the energy of “En Som Faller,” (A Falling) while those who prefer […]

  19. […] The Metro 7” Jus D’orange/Red Rain Coat 7”s Fatidic Seconde- Le Drakkar 7” Message- Dernière Nuit 7” Troops For Tomorrow- Songs of Joy […]

  20. the best blog ever, truly genius research work,thanks as always from argentina

  21. The Red Rain Coat single is great, but the band was from Lucerne/Switzerland, not Sweden. I love your whole blog by the way, lots of great and unexpected stuff to find here. Please keep going on!

    • Frankie Teardrop Says:

      good catch! i think i knew that but crossed the wires when i wrote this post out of stress about the blogspot/mediafire situation. thanks for letting me know!

  22. Amadeo Buccinioni Says:

    they published an album in 1990 recorded in 88, i’ve posted the music on youtube today

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