Excentrique Noiz- Dark Crystal Day 7”

I keep forgetting to post this one. A recent favorite, you may recall seeing these guys on the Systems of Romance vol. 1 compilation. A rare Japanese darkwave entry, Excentrique Noiz released two 7”s and a full length LP before calling it a day. Here we have their second 7” from 1986.

Obvious touchstones here include Clan of Xymox and Danse Society on the A-side, while the flip is a fantastic piece of post-punk/coldwave. A strange stylistic shift halfway through the song, but still an awesome tune. Here’s the info:

Excentrique Noiz- Dark Crystal Day 7”
1. Dark Crystal Day
2. In Dis Tree

*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 6.4.13)

7 Responses to “Excentrique Noiz- Dark Crystal Day 7””

  1. Thomas Barba Says:

    wow! Thank you so much! Been wanting to hear that b-side for a while.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    …absolutely perfect!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    a fantastic gem…..thanx

  4. Yes, thank you!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    big thanks for all the music you re posting.you make life here in patagonia more enjoyable.saludos

  6. […] disappoint. Six killer tracks here, very reminiscent of the 7” released a year earlier. Click here to grab that one, in case you missed it previously. Just missing their very first 7” and a […]

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