Modern Dance- …It’s Just All To Dance To 12”

Here’s one of my favorite guitar-based 12 inches. You may have seen this one posted over at the always amazing bx59cppw blog, but here’s a clearer rip for any interested parties.

I believe these folks were German, and released their lone 12” on a local subsidary of Rough Trade, which should certainly be testament to its quality. Some great angsty guitar/post-punk tracks here, catchy as well. The record dropped in 1985. Here’s the details:

Modern Dance- …It’s Just All To Dance To 12”
1. A Day’s Wait
2. For U.
3. Between The Moments
4. Near To You
5. This Is Me
6. The Victim

*download it here*

4 Responses to “Modern Dance- …It’s Just All To Dance To 12””


    Was finally able to locate a vinyl copy…excellent guitar driven post punk indeed.


  2. Anonymous Says:

    The band was from Essen / Germany.

    Tollhaus Records wasn´t a sub-division from Rough Trade Germany. It was a one-man indie-label
    which also released a 12"(today very expensive) from "Days of Sorrow" and a 12" by "The Fact"

    Hope this helps and…keep up the good work 😉

  3. Very cool. Thank you!

  4. Dee Seejay Says:

    It’s a good lp actually this, I like the keyboards, reminds me of The Danse Society a little, and The Cure.

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