In Trance 95- Desire to Desire 7”

Yesterday’s posts focused on the darker edge of the post-punk/electronic spectrum, so today’s goal is to bring you two dancier recordings. First up, we have In Trance 95’s debut 7”, the elusive and hypnotic Desire to Desire. While the A-Side is a catchy piece of synthpop, it’s the B-side that especially grabs me, with its deep repetitive grooves. Both tracks have a bit of a Cabaret Voltaire vibe going for them, without being as abrasive.

The band formed in Greece and released this 7” in 1988 via Wipe Out! Records. In Trance 95 split for several years, but the main duo has reappeared as a band called Itenef, re-recording several of their classics and writing several new tracks with a female vocalist at the helm.

In Trance 95- Desire to Desire 7”
1. Desire to Desire
2. Brazilia

*download it here*

10 Responses to “In Trance 95- Desire to Desire 7””

  1. yay!!! it seems like mediafire takes like half the time for me. i also like how it doesnt delete stuff after 60 days.

  2. Thank you! It is a really good idea for you switch to Mediafire!
    Much appreciated
    (It would be great if you could please repost Kym Amp in Mediafire)

  3. This is a real beauty, thank you very much for sharing!

  4. Hello Frankie!
    You are my absolute favorite blog on the net! So much stuff I been looking for ages! But now you really amazed me! "Brazilia" is my favorite but I was dying to listen to the whole original version of "Desire to Desire". The video on YouTube was a video edit 3:30 mins long and not on stereo. The single was released in 1988 as limited edition and is very rare today (150 euros usually). I finally found two copies in my archives but didn't have the chance to put them on record player yet. Today I visited your page to see what new treasures you uploaded and to my surprise you had IN TRANCE 95! The band still exists with the same name today but sometimes use ITENEF,that comes from the initials of the original name (with two "e"'s in between ITNF!).
    Thanks again for taking the time to share!
    Alex A. Machairas,Greece

  5. "Desire to Desire / Brazilia" by In Trance 95, absolutely brilliant! And so hard to find! Any chance to upload their debut lp "Code of Obsession" and the single "21st Century European Temptation/Temptation 2"?
    I'd be grateful!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Classic! Thanks for sharing! Anything more from In Trance 95? All the best! Jean

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Great stuff like always
    Alex was the one menber of the band and Nikos the other
    That was their 1st release
    That was with a fanzine called FANGAZINE#6 if I remember well

  8. Hi! Please, upload again the files or send me the files to


  9. frankie teardrop Says:


  10. Hello there, I wonder whether you might be in a position to post anything else by IT95? I have yet to find anything I like as much as their tracks President, Brazilia, Here and Now. Very infectious beat. I’m especially hoping to get hold of ‘Code of Obsession’. And likewise, to know of any other artists which share their sound. Thanks.

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