The Essence- Ecstasy LP

Sorry for the repetition lately, but here’s another Ecstasy post by request. Keeping in chronological order, here’s the band’s third album, released in 1988. All information about the band can be found in the previous two posts, so let’s get to the upload, shall we?

The Essence- Ecstasy LP
1. Burned In Heaven
2. Only For You
3. Sleeping
4. Like Christ
5. Angelic
6. Jump And Fall
7. Ice
8. The Afterworld
9. So Gorgeously
10. Despair
11. Understand Why
12. One More Wasted Night

*download it here*

Naturally, we’ve got some bonus tracks here. Tracks 5 and 6 hail from the Only For You 12”, while “Ice” seems to be exclusive to this release, at least according to the band’s discogs listing. If anyone knows for sure, let me know. Otherwise, enjoy- and expect some more goodies to follow in the next few weeks.

Edit: I am currently in the process of updating all the divshare links from the first year of the blog, since I’ve heard that download limits are often exceeded. Kas Product should be live by the end of the afternoon, and the rest will follow as I have time. I also have a few zshare reuploads to handle, so stay tuned for that.

12 Responses to “The Essence- Ecstasy LP”

  1. these guys are a hit factory.

    i really hope i'm not the only one completely in love with this band now.

  2. Thanks a million. I've been trying to get these albums in digital for so long. Ecstasy has to be the best of the bunch.

  3. Hi, I've seen you're uploading The Essence discography. Maybe my old (and unmanteined) web page dedicated to the band could be useful for the discography and song list. The address is:
    And keep on going, your blog is really great.
    Best wishes,

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Magnificent blog!

    I'm really curious about The Actor, it would be great if you could post anything with them.

    Greetings from Sweden!


  5. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush................

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I was Googling for this band & ran across your posts. I grabbed everything. Thank you SO much for uploading these! At one time I had Nothing Lasts Forever on tape and the "best of" CD and was fascinated with this group since (about 20 years now). Their stuff has always been so impossible to find for me!

    In fact, I've liked just about everything I ever heard from the Midnight Records label. Especially the Wolfhounds, of which I'm searching for as well.

    Anyway, thanks again!
    tigerhorse28 at rocketmail

  7. the essence Says:

    First of all Frank thanks for giving out music a chance to find our fans! I think it's great keep on doing the good work!

    the best way to find us nowadayz on the net:

    I've added your band revel hotel to our myspace,

    send me a message mate!


    george (the essence drums)

  8. Thanks for uploading this! Been looking for what I call the best Dutch Cure ripoff ever, and finally I have it. What a great band. Danke!

  9. Robert Smith Says:

    These guys are awesome!!! A certain similarity to The Cure can’t be missed, especially on MIRAGE … Thank you for sharing

    I see on Discogs that they just released a new CD called AFTERGLOW, do you have that one as well?

  10. White#Trash Says:

    Mr. Smith searching on the new CD called “AFTERGLOW” ….wow!!!

    Me too.

    After visiting the official website of The Essence, i read this: the CD it’s available ONLY at live show of the band, I reflected this: c’mon Mr. Smith, leave your affectionate bed and go to live show, perhaps to share the stage ‘sinking’ “A MIRAGE” between!!!!! BadUglyIdeas?????


  11. White#Trash Says:

    Please Note, written elsewere in this blog reply, I’ve full leght original discography of The Essence, albums on vinyl, 12″ EP, 7″ inches & CD and related CD’s. Only DVD or video support I miss (for now…)

    Bye. Wh#Ts

  12. THank you so much for all of the Essence albums. I somehow missed these guys back in the day and am only now “discovering” them.

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