Chris Carter- The Space Between Cassette

Today’s artist should need no introduction, as he’s a member of several pioneering electronic acts including the likes of Throbbing Gristle and Chris and Cosey/Carter Tutti. Though Chris Carter lent his skills primarily to these outfits, the English musician recorded several of his own more electronic and less abrasive pieces on the side.

This particular release, Carter’s first solo outing, consists of several synth/wave instrumental recordings made in the legendary Throbbing Gristle studio. Though it’s been re-released several times over (never on vinyl), The Space Between originally appeared in cassette form, with little information and no tracklisting. The original pressing was released on TG’s Industrial Records, while subsequent CD reissues appeared on Elektra and The Grey Area.

Without any further ado, here’s the information for the record, and the link for your perusal:

Chris Carter- The Space Between Cassette
1. Beat
2. Outreach
3. Electrodub 1
4. Clouds
5. Reprise
6. Electrodub 2
7. Poptone
8. Slomo
9. Walkabout
10. Maybe
11. Falling
12. Solidit
13. Snap
14. Interloop
15. Resonance

*download it here*

9 Responses to “Chris Carter- The Space Between Cassette”

  1. soundhead Says:

    Good one, thanks.

  2. rickdog Says:

    Find more Chris Carter in my mp3blog and forum searches:


  3. Anonymous Says:

    As much as I haven’t enjoyed most of what the members of the outfit did, I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for it friend.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I have been searching high and low for Chris Carters follow up to this excellent album – it’s called MONDO BEAT – does anyone have it ? Chirs is a GENIUS


    iwill post mondo beat on my blog soon.


  6. honey bathtime Says:

    hey, i found your site while searching for Mondo Beat. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this out of print cassette with us.

  7. the saucer people Says:

    Some of you vinyl fiends may be pleased to know that Chris Carter's 'The Spaces Between' has finally got the lacquer treatment albeit in a shorter form as Optimo Music (run by the Scottish DJ duo Optimo strangely enough, comprising JD Twitch & JG Wilkes)recently released an edited vinyl version of the seminal album.

    Chris Carter was asked to pick his favourite tracks from the album which were then remastered and here is the ones he picked:

    A1 Beat
    A2 Outreach
    A3 Clouds
    A4 Electrodub
    B1 Interloop
    B2 Solidit
    B3 Climbing*

    *The last track is from the Geoff Rushton tape compilation 'The Men With Deadly Dreams'.

    Not owning a record player anymore I have not bothered picking it up but hopefully it will come out in CD form and/or some kind soul will rip it and blog it once it has sold out of it's vinyl run (it is good to support re-issues like this for obvious reasons).

  8. Anonymous Says:

    This is actually the 1991 CD release.

    The original cassette has many longer tracks.

    • Gilbert Lachance Says:

      I agree, the tape last for 90 minutes. The major differencees are 4 ”intermedes” and a way longer vdersion of Resonance which last for 15 minutes instead of 7.

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