Winter Hours- Wait Till the Morning CD

Spent last night uploading several back entries, mostly the Baroque Bordello material and all entries back to June. Will be working more on the rest as soon as possible. Please be patient!

Moving forward, here’s a bit of a seasonal treat for you kids today, one of my very favorite autumnal records by New Jersey based post-punk/paisely underground act Winter Hours. A little deviation from the usual doom & gloom/electronic aesthetic, Winter Hours’ sound was far more delicate, melodic, and guitar-based, drawing more comparisons to R.E.M., who supported the band in their earlier days. Other sonic textures include bands like The Lucy Show, Mighty Lemon Drops, The Church, and of course The Byrds and similar 60s folk bands who inspired the C86 movement.

Otherwise, the five piece act earned a devout cult following throughout their tenure, releasing a handful of LPs and EPs over the course of the 1980s. The band split officially in 1991, though their last single was released in 1989. As for the record at hand, Wait Till the Morning was originally an EP for the band in 1986, but this CD reissue includes the equally excellent Churches 12” as an appendix.

Winter Hours- Wait Till the Morning Comes CD
1. Hyacinth Girl
2. Wait Till the Morning
3. Simple John
4. Island of Jewels
5. Incendiary
6. Churches
7. Walk Away
8. At A Turtle’s Pace
9. I Want
10. All Along the Watchtower (Bob Dylan cover)

*download it here*

Click below for the official video for ‘Wait Till the Morning!’

Guitarist Michael Carlucci has written a letter in tandem with the passing of singer Joseph Marques Rodriguez, which appears on a brief Winter Hours tribute page (linked below). He also has created a semi-official myspace page to celebrate the band’s legacy. Please direct your attention below:

Winter Hours tribute
Winter Hours on Myspace

9 Responses to “Winter Hours- Wait Till the Morning CD”

  1. i loved this release very much…saw the band a few times here in Boston around the time of this EP, and they were always great…..while I love “Hyacinth Girl” very much, I think “Island Of Jewels” is even better…..nice lyrics and guitar interplay that sometimes reminds me of a more lightweight version of The Church….thanks for the post!! Jim

  2. hey! this music is fantastic! thank you. the singer reminds me a little bit of jim morrison, only sexually more ambiguous…
    anyway… any chance of hearing the other LP? iv’e found somewhere else it’s called simply “winter hours”.

  3. hey i really love your blog, but

    the silicon teens zshare is really messed up and keeps looping back to the download page instead of actually downloading.

    it’s one of my favorite records and i would really appreciate it if you’d re-up it.


  4. frankie teardrop Says:

    unfortunately, time for reuploading has been rather scarce. i will be attending to all dead links as soon as i can, but just hang tight in the meanwhile.

  5. Thanks for this one Frankie. A very good record indeed. The comparisons to R.E.M (Murmur)in terms of sound are almost unavoidable. Godd stuff. Cheers.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Anyone have any live recordings of this band they could make available???

  7. Anonymous Says:

    thanks so much… i've been looking for an electronic version of this album… used to see them in high school… pure delight!

  8. […] an upstate NY record fair (other scores included Trisomie 21′s Playing the Pictures and the Winter Hours record I posted ages ago). It took a post over at Kentucky Fried Wave to remind me that I had it […]

  9. […] For Against, The Chameleons, etc., and also for those who like something a little more jangly (Winter Hours, early R.E.M.). Melodic singing, driving post-punk tracks, and a nice, punchy atmosphere. Prominent […]

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