Blue In Heaven- Explicit Material LP

Apologies again for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. My internet was out for the majority of last week, and was finally restored after the 4th.

On that note, I’m tackling a few quick requests this week. First up is the second Blue In Heaven LP, 1986’s Explicit Material. There are several rips of this record floating around online, but all are either incomplete or terrible quality, so I zipped this one up straight from my own shelves. Here’s the relevant info:

Blue In Heaven- Explicit Material
1. Change Your Mind
2. Tell Me
3. Just Another Day
4. Sister
5. Be Your Man
6. I Just Wanna
7. Close Your Eyes
8. Rolling In The Crowd
9. Hope To God

*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 1/6/16)

In case you missed it, click here for the band’s first record. Otherwise, I’m desperately seeking the band’s final EP, entitled Rock ‘n’ Roll R.I.P.. If anyone has it, please drop a note and point me in the proper direction. I’m also in possession of one of the band’s early singles, but am missing all other singles/b-sides aside from the Across My Heart 12”. Holler if you’ve got them. Otherwise, happy Monday!

30 Responses to “Blue In Heaven- Explicit Material LP”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Good album. Everyone should come over to and see our nice little discussion we are haveing. It is getting to the point where we are even being censored now. So, you know it is a good discussion. It needs more opinions expressed so that more me be silenced for their thoughts. C’mon it’s fun!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, it`s funny, Soundhead started to censor comments. Is that mean that people who run music blogs want only get praising them comments? Strange.

  3. Hello Frankie. Thanks for your incredible posts. I’m checking this one next.

    A petition if you don’t mind me:

    I was interested in getting the “Return Of The Sea Monkeys” album by The Reegs, any chance?. Thank U 😉

  4. stupid and contagious Says:

    Some interesting BIH posts!

    Check out here for some more Shane O’Neill-related stuff – including “Into Paradise” (another under-rated Irish group) and the collaboration Supernaut (1997) with Dave Long (ex “Into Paradise” )..

  5. Thanks a lot for the BIH album. This band shoould see the re-release of their catalogue in CD format. But these times are difficult for alternative pop-rock music. No one is interested.

    If you need help for the Reegs request, please drop me a line.

  6. Mitch Fixler - Dr. Levinson Says:

    I have Rock N’ Roll RIP on vinyl. I bought it in London in 1989. I digitized it. Email me with your info and I will zip it up and then post it to mailbigfile or something for you. My name is Mitch and I live in Brooklyn, New York.

  7. frankie teardrop Says:

    Mitch- this is great news, I was hoping someone could come through on this one…!

    my email address is

    otherwise, I wonder if we’ve crossed paths before. I’m a Brooklynite as well.

  8. thank you for this one……do you have this one……

    PM – PM
    three o clock – vermillion
    digney fignus (early release)


  9. This is fantastic, I have 3 copies of this LP, my original spanish edition bended a few because the sun and I bought 2 more (german editions).

    I´m searching this on CD for years. But wasn´t released. I can´t understand why, this is a fantastic album and I see lots of crap rereleased every day.

    I was adding this album to my vinyl database and needed a picture of the cover, that´s the way I have found this amazing place.

    Thanks a lot. Muchas Gracias.


  10. Thanks for posting and sharing this! I have a radio promo copy that I obtained in the early 90’s Unfortunately, it had not been treated well. I had always hoped to find a CD copy. This will do very nicely.

  11. came across this blog while looking for missing tracks from Blue in Heaven. Thanks loads for the downloads…much appreciated.
    Awesome and under-rated band.

  12. holy cow… you’re my hero whoever you are.

  13. Gary Camon Says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you – I’ve been searching for this since my cassette copy finally gave up the ghost. Great band I was lucky enough to see many times, strangest of all was in Arnotts basement on a Saturday afternoon, happy days. Thank you once more, you are a legend!

  14. This link is dead!Iwould be really really really happy if you fix it.

  15. frankie teardrop Says:

    still works fine over here Angelica… give it another go!

  16. I get a decompression failed error everytime I DL. Can I get a re-up?

  17. frankie teardrop Says:

    done and done.

  18. Any chance of getting the Across My Heart 12 up?

  19. Hello Frankie. I was searching for Blue In Heaven for some time now. Thank You for their albums. Good to hear them again. One question did you get Rock 'n' Roll R.I.P. If so could you please put it on for download. That would be brilliant. Thank You again.

  20. I would kiss you if I could.

    Thank you very much for this legendary album that I've been searchig for years since my old LP died.

    You've made my day!

  21. I have a vinyl copy of the last ep. No way of copying digitally though. I’m on London, if that helps!

  22. See it’s already up on this website now. Thanks.

  23. ske9e9bjg Says:

    Any chance of ripping at 320kbps and reposting? The Explicit Material 192kbps rip is the only BIH recording with this lower bit rate online. Thanks Much in advance.

    • Frankie Teardrop Says:

      it’s funny you should mention… I’ve been sitting on a 320 rip I made of the full discography and I just need to go back and triple check that all is in order before updating. Thanks for the nudge and stay tuned to our FB page for when I make the switch!

  24. ske9e9bjg Says:

    Fantastic. Thanks much for the speedy reply. I suppose the facebook page is systemsofromance (sor). I do not use facebook, but I imagine that the Explicit Material page will be updated once you confirm the rip. If the fb page does not correlate with sor, then will you please respond with correct fb handle. Thanks again for the awesome job.

    As a side note, I inquired with James Nice of LTM Recordings (as Martin Hannett produced a number of Factory records and prodced the first BIH record) if LTM may release the BIH catelogue in remastered CD (or digital) format. Short answer: No. Not enough interest. This site is the last great hope for BIH fans.

  25. r8gklJX94re Says:

    Any chance that you verified the 320mbps rip of Blue In Heaven’s Explicit Material LP? If yes to inquiry, then any chance of uploading and announcing?

    Thanks in advance.

  26. Awesome, thx so much for posting this. Looking forward to being 17 again.

  27. Frank Togher Says:

    Great to see BIH still held in high regard.Presently digitising my tape collection and found a BIH live concert which was broadcast by the Dave Fanning show. Still have my Explicit MateriaL LP. Fond memories of roaring along to their set at The Blue Lagoon in Sligo.Still one of my favourite bands. Thanks for posting the info.

  28. Russell Finch Says:

    Thanks for the 2016 post. It sounds stunning compared to the other rips I have, and the same goes for all the gods’ men. Any chance of getting them flac?

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