Nine Circles- Nine Circle CD

Some of you may have seen this one on Mutant Sounds*, but if not, here’s some classic female-fronted minimal synth for you folks, the lone release by Netherlands based band Nine Circles. The self-titled disc was released in 1996 but is comprised of tracks recorded in 1982. Though the band’s material scattered across various compilation appearances, it took 14 years for this collection to surface, and there’s little information about this band to be found otherwise.

I have two more tracks by Nine Circles kicking around; ‘How About the Aims in Life?’ and ‘Once In a While’ respectively. I know the former dates from a Dutch compilation cassette entitled Colonial Vipers, but not sure about the latter. For now, here’s the information for the self-titled collection:

Nine Circles- Nine Circles CD
1. When I Dance
2. Twinkling Stars
3. Here Come I
4. The Rose
5. Something Between You And Me
6. Miss Love
7. What’s There Left
8. I’m Deeply Touched

*download it here*

In other news, a few folks have been kind and generous to donate hard-to-find releases over the past few days, so if you’re keen, I’ll work on posting them up here with all the appropriate information soon. If you’re impatient, feel free to scour the comments from the last few entries and pluck ’em out!

*I am admittedly crap about checking every blog to see what’s been posted, but in all fairness, Mutant Sounds is a vast ocean, so I didn’t realise they tossed this same compilation up until after I uploaded it. Nuts!

16 Responses to “Nine Circles- Nine Circle CD”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you very much for this one, I’ve heard I view songs of Nine Circles on a vinyl from the VPRO and I’m very happy to have the whole album right now 🙂

  2. soundhead Says:

    i run in to the same thing….frequently. but who cares? this is a great one!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I like this one as well. I heard a live recording,maybe vpro show, with e.pittoresque on No longer forgotten music. I combined this band with moral. MAde great female fronted minimal synth comp. Thanx Frankie.

  4. would LOVE to get those 2 xtra tracks if possible. thanks for all the great music!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Hey Mr. Frankie Teardrop. Maybe it is just coincidence, or maybe not, that you like the band Suicide? Hmmm.? If so, you don’t think you could find and post ” American Supreme” by suicide. I can’t seem to find it posted anymore. If u can thanks.


  6. Greetings Frankie. I wanted to inform you that I’ve added your blog to my music directory/blogroll @ To be honest, your blog features genres that I’m not intimately familiar with, so I wasn’t exactly sure which category to place it under. In the end I went with the Industrial/etc. category. I plan on creating a post tomorrow in order to request feedback concerning the organization of the list, and the possible inclusion of new genres, and rearranging of old ones. I would appreciate any insight you might be able to offer.
    Thanks for the music you have decided to share here and for your hard work on this blog. Take care.


  7. Anonymous Says:

    fantastic album, many thanks

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Never Mind. I found the Suicide album. Don’t have any Kan Kan do ya?

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you much for the direction. I knew I had seen them before. I have been listening to greek wave lately. This band Kan Kan has also put out a nice collection, with unreleased material too, just recently. It can be found at cd baby. Also, If anyone is into really good greek minimal wave electro stuff, then you should check out Wave Tank. You won’t be dissapointed;)

  10. Ä¿.A. Says:

    can you please upload those two tracks you mentioned here? thanks in advance

  11. Mr Hercules Says:

    Great! Just found out about them.

  12. as usual NONE of your links work.why do you bother? i know i won't anymore. good riddance.

  13. frankie teardrop Says:

    sorry i can't help you get your music for ABSOLUTELY FREE. would you like me to help you wipe your ass, too?

    i always reupload when people ask. i don't keep tabs on every single post i've made in the 3-4 years this blog has existed. i will reupload this, but don't bother downloading it if you're going to be so ungrateful.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    great great upload, thanks a bunch

  15. Thank you very much.

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