join: the podcast set

I’ve always wanted to try my hand at podcasting, even with no more than basic knowledge of the Audacity program, so I’ve spent this otherwise sickly day creating my very first, and I’ve decided to upload it here for any interested parties. Feedback welcome! More to come in the future!

Systems of Romance: Podcast 1

1. Lives of Angels- ‘Pavilion’
2. Adult.- ‘Hand to Phone (Cordless Mix)’
3. Cabaret Voltaire- ‘Why Kill Time When You Can Kill Yourself’
4. Jeff & Jane Hudson- ‘Pound Pound’
5. De Press- ‘The Fatal Day’
6. Silent Signals- ‘Banshee Girl’
7. Ciccone Youth- ‘Into the Groove(y)’
8. Colin Newman- ‘Order For Order’
9. Dandi Wind- ‘Monster Dinosaur’
10. The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa- ‘Fluidum’
11. Charles de Goal- ‘Synchro’
12. The Chameleons- ‘Dali’s Picture’
13. Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft- ‘Kebab Traume’
14. Pluramon- ‘Hello Shadow’
15. For Against- ‘Shine’
16. The Knife- ‘Girls Night Out’
17. Crass- ‘Our Wedding’

*download it here*

6 Responses to “join: the podcast set”

  1. modernaged Says:

    alright, this excites me.

    i love your ear for music, and even when its music i don’t know or care for, your arrangements are always top notch.

    feel: the ipod wheel.

  2. I enjoyed this podcast a lot. I look forward to more. Favorites included Lives of Angels, Adult., The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, Ciccone Youth, Colin Newman, The Knife, and Crass.

  3. Great stuff. Your taste is cool.
    I love UV Pop and more.

  4. winterwhite Says:

    Hmmm… the title is a “The Normal – Warm Leatherette” reference, isn’t it? 😛

  5. […] for those who missed the past few: podcast 1 podcast […]

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