Basking Sharks- Shark Island LP

A request fulfillment for my first of the year, folks… This is UK wave act Basking Shark’s full length record Shark Island, released in 1983. Upon second look, I am still unable to find information about this band aside from a scant discography, but if you want to hear more from them, check my previous post on the Diamond Age 7” here.


Basking Sharks- Shark Island LP
1. Red Rose
2. Starusfa
3. Friends Of Bill
4. Charm
5. View From The Hill
6. Back To Africa
7. Forget
8. Blue Cross
9. The Dive
10. Put It Off
11. Croatia
12. Little Death

*DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED* — visit the official Basking Sharks site to buy official copies and a CD reissue!

To purchase the band’s best of, Back in the Deep Water, according to a comment left in my last Basking Sharks post, feel free to email for more info. Also, though it hasn’t launched yet, seems as if there will be an official web-hub coming soon at

11 Responses to “Basking Sharks- Shark Island LP”

  1. TymexPyres Says:

    Iam trying to download this album I requested.But, I think Divshare is down, or so it seems. It will not start downlosding, and ,only, gives a ‘can not display page’ response. Hopefully this is only temporary.thnx..

  2. frankie teardrop Says:

    dammit! divshare is all kinds of problematic lately. i just tried to download it myself and it says it timed out. i’m reuploading it now to see what happens. if this doesn’t work, i’m switching hosting sites.

    to answer yesterday’s inquiry, click on “the funeral crashers” on my bio page on the main blog and it should take you to our site to hear some tracks. if you like this blog, you should find us enjoyable.


  3. TymexPyres Says:

    NOw, it is saying the file is not found. Come on…I wanted this album….REup..REup..REup……………………………………….

  4. TymexPyres Says:

    Ill check later to see if it works. Also, the band is very cool.Like the photos,and the sound. when I get some lucre soon, I think Ill buy the album.Thnx for the album.Maybe it will be back up soon.

  5. frankie teardrop Says:

    ugh, divshare has crossed me for the last time. i’m going to switch to z-share asap, but won’t be able to reupload the album until tonight. stay tuned until then, and sorry for the trouble.

  6. Skiprat Says:

    I have on tape a Basking Sharks session recorded for the John Peel Show (BBC) on 25-04-1983. Tracks are:-

    1: View From The Hill
    2: New Industry
    3: Theatre War
    4: Diamond Age

    Adrian Todd (Synthesizers, Drums Machines, Vocals)
    Jed Mcphail (Synthesizers, Drums Machines, Vocals)
    Martyn Eames (Synthesizers, Drums Machines, Vocals)

    I can upload to rapidshare if requested.

  7. frankie teardrop Says:

    i am definitely interested!

  8. Skiprat Says:

    Thought you might be. Here is the link:-


  9. the zshare download isn’t working 🙁 I really wanted to get this

  10. Hey everyone. 🙂 I’m Lucy Todd (Adrian Todd’s daughter). You might all ready know this, but the official Basking Sharks site is now up: and there’s a shop where you can buy all the music and other merchandise. 😀

    I know that my dad and the other band members would appreiciate it a lot more if you purchased their music rather than downloading it. 🙂

    Bye xxx

  11. Anonymous Says:

    I like them.

    go on: ( the official website)

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