7” grab bag

A bit of an experiment to kick off the week, as I’ve uploaded four 7” records in one zip file. A few of these artists have next to nothing in their discography, so don’t necessarily justify they’re own unique post or have much information available, but these are excellent releases all the same. A brief blurb about each:

Après Demain- Arpakuutio 7”
1. Arpakuutio
2. Dans La Nuit

Finnish post-punk band, release from 1983. The band sounds like a female-fronted (Dirk Wears White Sox era) Adam & the Ants or a similar sounding Au Pairs, singing entirely in French. Funky, jerky, and abrasive.

Carol & Snowy Red- Breakdown 7”
1. Breakdown
2. So Low

Early Snowy Red release from 1981, collaborating with a mysterious singer named Carol. Smooth sounding minimal synth from Belgium. Though Snowy Red was a one-man project that ceased in 1989, it seems as if the project reactivated in 2004 as a duo for a few select shows in their home country.

Das Kabinette- The Cabinet 7”
1. The Cabinet
2. Fudge It

Synthpop of the classic variety- a three piece band from the UK whose only release was this Cabinet of Dr. Caligari inspired 7” in 1983, a classic slice of energetic wave music. The flip is a remix of the respective A-side.

Martin Dupont- Your Passion 7”
1. Your Passion
2. Lost And Late

First release by French electronic/coldwave act Martin Dupont, from 1982. The three piece band would release three full lengths and one rare cassette before disbanding towards the end of the eighties. The A-side is an atmospheric female/male fronted jam, whilst the flip is an energetic, bass driven electro-punk song, documenting the band’s split personality.

*download all four releases here*

12 Responses to “7” grab bag”

  1. unfortunatly the 2 kabinette songs seem to be broken. even though i rarely donate stuff would you mind uploading a fixed archive? thanks in advance!

  2. frankie teardrop Says:

    hmm, how are they broken? all four folders are zipped together. let me know what the precise trouble is and i’ll try to reupload tomorrow morning…

  3. TymexPyres Says:

    Das Kabinette, from what I have heard, made another unreleased album, that maybe will be released on the minimal wave label. I hope so…..

  4. got some weird broken-archive error first time i tried unpacking the .zip. i re-downloaded it & now it works though! Thanks!

  5. cool blog, man. check out mine for swedish postpunk etc. one remark: apres demain were from finland, not france. i have no idea why they sang in french though.

  6. frankie teardrop Says:

    albin, i dig what you’re doing and have added you to my links list!

    strange about apres demain…name, lyrics, and all that are definitely french. why WOULD they do that?

  7. I’ve been trying to download the archive from zShare for a few days now, from different PC’s through different ISP’s, but I always get redirected to the download page when I click the generated link that appears after 20 seconds. Would you be so kind to upload it again (seems to be a common problem with older links on zShare) or maybe upload it somewhere else?
    It’s the 7″ from Carol / Snowy Red I’m after. I have it on vinyl (Bocca Life 4 Bootleg) since monday, but the needle of my Ortofon is broken and I haven’t got any spares lying around atm so I can’t make an MP3 of it right now. I have to DJ tomorrow night and sunday night and I would really like to put it in my set. Unfortunately the place where I will be playing only has dual CD players.
    If you like I can record the B-side of the Bocca Life 4 12″ for you (You Ask For It – Separate Minds) to return the favor.

  8. winterwhite Says:

    Hmmm… the zShare is stuck in a loop with this one again.

    • stewart Says:

      Wow! The Carol 7inch is just brilliant. I wish there was several LPs worth of her stuff. Or at least another 7inch as painfully wonderful as “So Low”. Thanks.

  9. […] atmosphere and heavier synthetics than some of the other material. For more Snowy Red, revisit this post, as the Carol & Snowy Red ‘Breakdown’ 7” is included in the grab […]

  10. […] “It’s like Rive Gauch meets Carol!” […]

  11. DavidS aka Jalito Says:

    thanks for music….

    seems to be impossible to buy a lot of good music you show us at a reasonanbles prices…

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