Rema-Rema- Wheel In the Roses EP

Many pardons for the brief break. Many thanks to friends and readers for their support and encouragement this year! For the last post of 2007, I’ve uploaded an old favorite, a more experimental yet classic EP by UK outfit Rema-Rema.

Rema-Rema was a short lived 4AD outfit whose lone EP (4AD’s 5th release) served as a post-punk/experimental classic, and kicked off the careers of several other seminal acts. The band consisted of Marco Pirroni (ex-original Banshee), Gary Asquith, Mick Allen, Mark Cox, and Max. Wheel In the Roses appeared in 1980, a four track EP with one side’s worth of studio tracks and another consisting of live material.

Rema-Rema quickly disbanded, and most of the band’s members found success shortly. Marco Pirroni would join up with Adam & the Ants, Max would become a full time member of Psychic Tv under the name Dorothy, and Asquith, Allen, and Cox would form heavy-handed 4AD act Mass. Upon Mass’ demise, Cox and Allen would form the legendary Wolfgang Press, who became a signature post-punk act throughout the 80s and early 90s. Meanwhile, This Mortal Coil (4AD head Ivo-Watts Russel’s pet project) would recreate ‘Fond Affections’ for their debut record It’ll End in Tears, which featured several contributions by Rema-Rema’s original lineup. Big Black would also cover ‘Rema-Rema’, further cementing the band’s original impact.


Rema-Rema- Wheel in the Roses EP
1. Feedback Song
2. Rema-Rema
3. Instrumental
4. Fond Affections

DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED- Click here to purchase mp3/FLAC via the 4AD webstore.

7 Responses to “Rema-Rema- Wheel In the Roses EP”

  1. TymexPyres Says:

    Strange, but good, release from the U.K. Speaking of bands from the U.K, will you please post the Shark island Lp? I like that band alot, and the other post I found of it has been errored for over a year.Also, what is that picture you use for your I.d and on l.Journal? It really kreeps me out. It reminds me of a dark side,cabaret, New year’s eve party with Jack Nick. at ‘The Shining’ hotel. Kreeepppyyyy.

  2. Curious Guy Says:

    Divshare is playing tricks with us and deleted all their files.
    All the best for 2008 Frankie!

  3. frankie teardrop Says:

    curious guy- i just wrote in and it seems it was just a database error- everything is back online, fortunately. quite a new year’s scare though, eh? thanks for the heads up though, and right back atchya!

    tymexpyres- i’ll gladly upload that record for you for tomorrow’s post. stay tuned! as for the icon, it’s animated from a scene in fritz lang’s metropolis!

  4. TymexPyres Says:

    I can’t seem to pull your link up for your band. The name ‘Funeral Crasher’ intrigues me. What kinda music is it you play? Something interesting I venture. Why not put like a song or two on here? Thnx for your soon post of the basking sharks.”Redrum,Redrum,redrummm…Erummm..a glass of your finest merlot, please.”

  5. thanks! i didn't know that there was an original version of this song

  6. […] formed in 1980, in the wake of like-minded outfit Rema-Rema’s demise. 3/4 of the experimental/post-punk outfit continued on as Mass, along with Danny Briottet. […]

  7. One of my all time favorites, pity they didn’t make more records, their spin off’s never reached the spirit of this ‘Wheel in the Roses’. On the other hand, this one time release makes it more epic.
    (sorry for the crappy English)

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