Pre Fix- Underneathica 7”
Here’s an incredibly rare treat to kick off your Monday, ladies and gentlemen. I have found scarce tidbits of information about today’s band, Tuscon, AZ’s Pre Fix. The band, whose credits consist of multi-instrumentalists Johnny Glenn and David Herbert, released but one curious and excitingly strange 45” in 1981 on San Fransciso’s Subterranean records.
Credits for the Underneathica single also include production by Tommy Tadlock, more well known for his work with Tuxedomoon. Post-Pre Fix, Johnny Glenn formed The Ballad of Johnny Glenn.
For your listening pleasure, here’s both sides of their lone single:
Pre Fix- Underneathica 7”
1. Underneathica
2. Ectomorphine
November 23, 2008 at 8:28 pm
this is one of my absolute favorite 7″s of all time. so much so, that i own 3 copies of it.
i’ve heard rumors about practice tapes exiting…
July 22, 2012 at 12:27 am
The only other thing i can ad is that John organized and produced Arizona Disease also on Subterranean, a split 45 with my band Jr Chemists and the Les Seldoms.
July 17, 2015 at 11:05 am
This is a test, additional information will follow.
October 16, 2017 at 3:04 pm
Interesting tidbit: DJ Shadow sampled “Underneathica” for a 12″ single called “I’m Excited”. The record was pressed, a video was made, and then it had to be withdrawn. Johnny Glenn may have refused to clear the sample. The track sounds great on the video …