Pink Military- Blood & Lipstick 12”/Did You See Her? 7”

Today’s band rose from the ashes of short lived and seminal anarcho-punk band Big In Japan. Following their breakup in 1978, vocalist Jayne Casey formed post-punk outfit Pink Military.

Originally named Pink Military Stand Alone, the outfit focused on dance rhythms under a somewhat thrashy and hypnotic post-punk aesthetic. The band’s output consists of a few lone 12” releases and one full length record, 1980’s Do Animals Believe in God?. Though the core members of the group were Jayne Casey and guitar/keyboardist Nicky Cool, the band would revolve through a few different lineups before disbanding shortly after their full length saw the light of day. Jayne would continue on with another string of collaborators under the name Pink Industry, which was much more of a minimal electro project.

For your listening pleasure, I’ve uploaded two single releases…Both the 1979 Blood & Lipstick 12” and the slightly later Did You See Her? 7”.


Blood & Lipstick 12” (1979)
1. Spellbound
2. Blood and Lipstick
3. Clowntown
4. I Cry

Did You See Her? 7”: (1980)
1. Did You See Her?
2. Every Day

*download both here*

3 Responses to “Pink Military- Blood & Lipstick 12”/Did You See Her? 7””

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Even when available, the links don't work …

    (Great site, kongratuliert & vielen Dank !)

  2. Sometimes you bump into a site (this one) where you get drowned in bands you know (family fodder, rema rema etc), you slightly know (wedding party, Fad Gadget) or never heard of (lots). Pink Military is one of the latter categories…. and then when you listen…. you wonder why you never heard of them… great band, wonderful female voice. “Dit you see her?” has the potention to become an all time favorite.
    Thanks for all this

  3. music lover Says:

    Thanks a lot for giving a chance to listen to these very hard-to-get singles.

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